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Problem with Fs Passengers - Printable Version

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Problem with Fs Passengers - ansi271184 - 24-08-2007

What can I do?

i have installed fs passengers then comes :

Wrong user Wrong password
take care that your username is case sensitive
if you still have problem, copy/past your regitering
ins tead of typing them.

what can i do?

I hope you can help me

Re: Problem with Fs Passengers - Jambone - 24-08-2007

Hi, welcome to the forum, I'm sure the moderators will be more than willing to assist you with any issues you have. Wink

Post Edited ( 08-24-07 18:33 )

Re: Problem with Fs Passengers - DBE - 24-08-2007


First of all, please excuse Jambone's attitude. It's THAT time of the month, again.

The message you got is pretty straight-forward: did you try copying your registration data from the mail you received and pasting it into the relevant
FsP fields?

Where did you purchase your copy? SimMarket?

Re: Problem with Fs Passengers - Drew - 24-08-2007

Quote:Jambone wrote:

This question has been answered MILLIONS of times, please DONT waste our time!

To be honest Jambone, you are wasting MY time having to read all the drivel you post on here.

Now here we have a new member, with a problem, and he is greeted by a reply such as yours?

If its 'wasting your time' then dont waste even more of your precious time in giving out such replies in future.

Re: Problem with Fs Passengers - Jambone - 24-08-2007

Sorry, I changed it Wink

Re: Problem with Fs Passengers - Canada_Boy - 24-08-2007

Is that the 427th post you've had to edit, because of that.

Just to make sure the username you enter isn't your username on this forum, I made that mistake the first time. Big Grin

It is what they give you in the E-mail. Smile

Re: Problem with Fs Passengers - Drew - 24-08-2007

Quote:Canada_Boy wrote:
Is that the 427th post you've had to edit, because of that.

You must have missed the other 300 of them.