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really weird need some good explenations here ;) - Printable Version

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really weird need some good explenations here ;) - the_nick - 15-08-2007

I was doing a perfect flight from EBBR to LIRF , I land at lirf and the report says this :

Flight BN035 End of flight report Date August 15 2007

Flight ID: BN035
Pilot: nicky
Company: Flying Group
Aircraft: POSKY Dreamliner B737-900
Flight Date: August 15 2007
Departure: 15h58 (13h58 GMT)
Arrival: 17h43 (15h43 GMT)
From: EBBR - Brussels Natl - Belgium
Nbr of Passengers: 131


Flight Distance: 632 Nm Landing Speed: 128.91 kt
Time Airborne: 01h36:46 Landing Touchdown: -104.6 ft/m (kiss)
Flight Time (block): 01h45:08 Landing Pitch: 6.86°
Time On Ground: 00h08:36 Landing Weight: 79150 kg
Average Speed: 392.07 kt Total Fuel Used: 7877 lit.
Max. Altitude: FL 350 Fuel Not Used: 6363 lit.
Climb Time: 00h17:05 Climb Fuel Used: 2883 lit.
Cruise Time: 01h00:01 Cruise Fuel Used: 3960 lit.
Average Cruise Speed: 437.27 kt (M0.71) Cruise fuel/hour: 3958 lit. (calc)
Descent Time: 00h19:40 Descent Fuel Used: 1034 lit.

Passenger Opinion: Mostly uneventful apart from a few moments. (73%)
-Are angry because they didn't reach their planned destination.-Were in a better mood because they had food.
-Were pleased by the music on ground. A very nice addition to their flying experience.

Financial Report:

Ticket Income: +51'062€ (632 Nm)
Cargo Income: +53'350€ (20360 kg)
Services Income: +0€ (0 sandwich 1 hot food 1 drink)
Services Cost: -1'033€ (100% quality)
Fuel Cost: -5'991€ (7877 lit. Jet-A1)
Airport Taxes: -136€ (Large Aircraft)
Insurance Costs: -4'510€ (4.32% rate)
Total Real Income: 92'741€
Total Income: 4'637'075€ (real x50)
Fleet Bonus: 0€ (9 aircraft ,no flights today)
Total Sim Income: 4'637'075€ (total income+fleet bonus)

Company Reputation:

Considering that the flight was average the ticket price normal, the service price free and the service quality perfect, passengers on this
flight think that your company's reputation should be 73%
Your company reputation is now: 97% (-2.42 decrease)

Overall Flight Result: Very poor

Pilot Bonus points: 50 points
· You made a very smooth landing. (+50)

Pilot's Penalty points: -350 points
· You didn't land at the scheduled airport LIRF and you didn't declare an emergency. (-350)

now for the destination see the pictures if you would check it out then you will see that this is LIRF
and for the emergency , the one who finds the emergency ,I will arrange that he can fly always with me for free

[Image: lirf3.jpg]

[Image: lirf2.jpg]

[Image: lirf1.jpg]

have fun

can someone help me wy this is , I never had the problem before and I flown this flight over 20 times

Post Edited ( 08-15-07 18:22 )

Re: really weird need some good explenations here ;) - DBE - 15-08-2007

--== Never Mind ==--

Re: really weird need some good explenations here ;) - Drew - 15-08-2007

ok just looked on mine....

[Image: lirf2.jpg]

I take it this is with FsNav?

On mine, the little circle highest is the centre of the airport. (LIRF) You are parked closer to the circle near the centre. Its probably a helipad or
so. (Mine does not have this point)

Either remove it by editing the afcad, or park closer to the centre of airport and check the GPS

Re: really weird need some good explenations here ;) - the_nick - 15-08-2007

I never had this problem , it is with the payware scenery from cloud9 and there are follow me cars that brings you to the gate and all the
time when I followed them parked the plane I never had this. I have no idea how I can park closer to the airport I'm practicly almost
inside Wink . but then with the emergency ??? I'm going to reinstall the scenery and reinstall fsp maybe this helps and flying this leg over and
over to test

Re: really weird need some good explenations here ;) - Drew - 15-08-2007

It does not say there was an emergency.. You didnt land at the scheduled airport (as you landed closer to the JFLR point within the LIRF airport)
therefore it assumes you must have had an emergency to land elsewhere.

Reinstalling will make no difference at all, i have posted how to fix it.

Re: really weird need some good explenations here ;) - the_nick - 15-08-2007

Quote:Drew wrote:

Either remove it by editing the afcad,
it's because I'm a real hero by editing the afcad Wonder
but I'll check it out , thanks for the fast reply ( as always )

Re: really weird need some good explenations here ;) - the_nick - 15-08-2007

ok , I've reinstalled the scenery I tested the flight again , parked the plane on tha ball and it says :
[Image: againlirf.jpg]

Flight BN407 End of flight report Date August 15 2007

Flight ID: BN407
Pilot: nicky
Company: Flying Group
Aircraft: DHL B1900C - Cargo VC
Flight Date: August 15 2007
Departure: 19h24 (17h25 GMT)
Arrival: 19h34 (17h34 GMT)
From: LIRA - Ciampino - Italy
To: LIRF - Fiumicino - Italy
Nbr of Passengers: 11


Flight Distance: 15 Nm Landing Speed: 91.94 kt
Time Airborne: 00h06:21 Landing Touchdown: -71.5 ft/m (kiss)
Flight Time (block): 00h09:23 Landing Pitch: 3.39°
Time On Ground: 00h03:12 Landing Weight: 6786 kg
Average Speed: 149.59 kt Total Fuel Used: 41 lit.
Max. Altitude: 5282ft Fuel Not Used: 2492 lit.

Passenger Opinion: Bad flight (55%)
-Are dissapointed because the flight was too short.
-Were pleased by the music on ground. A very nice addition to their flying experience.

Financial Report:

Ticket Income: +153€ (15 Nm)
Cargo Income: +0€ (0 kg)
Services Income: +0€ (0 sandwich 0 hot food 0 drink)
Services Cost: -0€ (100% quality)
Fuel Cost: -32€ (41 lit. Jet-A1)
Airport Taxes: -16€ (Small Aircraft)
Insurance Costs: -6€ (4.32% rate)
Total Real Income: 99€
Total Income: 4'956€ (real x50)
Fleet Bonus: 4'047€ (10 aircraft)
Total Sim Income: 9'004€ (total income+fleet bonus)

Company Reputation:

Considering that the flight was bad,the tickets price normal,and there was no service aboard,passengers on this flight think that your
company's reputation should be 55%
Your company reputation is now: 95% (-4.06 decrease)

Overall Flight Result: Poor

Pilot Bonus points: 80 points
· You made a very smooth landing. (+50)
· You landed at the scheduled airport. (+30)

Re: really weird need some good explenations here ;) - the_nick - 15-08-2007

ok drew now I understand what's going on the reason why they say something about emergency is that "I didn't land" on my destination
airport , you can only land on other airports with an emergency and I didn't declare one. so I have to do like you said Top but how can I
adjust the afcad and where is it normaly located ? if I open fsnavigator and I go on the helicopter runway he says file and the location , if I delete this will that be ok , I recently installed my traffic 2005 and it also says something about this so mabye it's caused by the file that my traffic installed Well

Post Edited ( 08-15-07 20:09 )

Re: really weird need some good explenations here ;) - Drew - 15-08-2007

Ok so where you parked last time must have had a helipad closer to it than that ball is.

Go here....

AFCAD 2.21 for FS2004.

Start program

File > open airport

Type LIRF into search box and search for it, open the afcad then find a helipad or something with the code JF.. and remove it.

Post Edited ( 08-15-07 20:12 )

Re: really weird need some good explenations here ;) - the_nick - 15-08-2007

ok I fixed it ; I throwed away the file AF2_JFLR.bgl but thx for the link

Re: really weird need some good explenations here ;) - Drew - 15-08-2007

Gulp - good luck, you will need it.

Next post.

I landed on runway but fsp says i didnt Smile

Re: really weird need some good explenations here ;) - pulla - 15-08-2007

That's a little bug in FsPassengers too, i mean if you can't land at the schedueled airport (because the weather is horrible and visibility 0), you
shouldn't have to declare an emergency but just land at the alternate airport and FSPax would notice it ( so you wouldn't get a penalty, just the
passengers being a little upset).

Re: really weird need some good explenations here ;) - the_nick - 16-08-2007

Quote:Drew wrote:

Next post.

I landed on runway but fsp says i didnt Smile

there will be a great chance for this lol