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Customizing passengers - Printable Version

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Customizing passengers - Ian - 10-08-2007

Hey my VA has a passenger manifest list. Is there anyway I can imput that data into fsp. What I mean is that when my VA manifest says
that Im carrying 90 passengers on my flight can I somehow tell fsp to have 90 passengers waiting at the gate for me.


Re: Customizing passengers - Drew - 10-08-2007

You can just load up 90 pax - Even if there is 170 waiting at the gate. Just leave the others waiting. (If there is less than 90, then your struggling)

Re: Customizing passengers - DBE - 10-08-2007

The number of passengers waiting at the gate depends on your aircraft's capacity, your company's reputation as well as the number of times you have
visited that airport in the past.

Then, if there are more than 90 pax waiting to board, simply use the sliders to decide how many of them you want to take along.

Of course, if your a/c carries a max of 90 passengers, you will have to have an excellent reputation as well as be a faithful patron of the said
airport to carry a full load.

Wonder Hmmmm...

Makes sense?

Re: Customizing passengers - Sakakawea - 10-08-2007

Quote:Makes sense?

yes :P

Re: Customizing passengers - Valoran - 10-08-2007

If you do not fly in economic mode, you will be able to load your aircraft as you will as it seems that reputation is only active in that mode.
Someone "in the know" correct me if I am wrong. I set up a company for my now defunct VA with economic mode turned off and I could
always select a full load of passengers if my manifest demanded it. I guess you could call this "basic FSPax".

Re: Customizing passengers - machest - 17-08-2007

I work for a boss who flies clients or
staff to various parts of the country,I
like to do these flights on my PC how
can i customise my passanger list
to reflect the names ages and
weight of those real life passengers,
not the names ect i am given by the
fsp name data program.

Re: Customizing passengers - DBE - 17-08-2007

Quote:machest wrote:
I work for a boss who flies clients or
staff to various parts of the country,I
like to do these flights on my PC how
can i customise my passanger list
to reflect the names ages and
weight of those real life passengers,
not the names ect i am given by the
fsp name data program.

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