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Automatic Flight - Printable Version

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Automatic Flight - Boeing#1 - 08-08-2007

I'm sorry if this has been posted many tiems before, but I couldn't find any others with this question. When I selected my career on FSPax
it said somethign about having other pilots fly automatically will bring in money, but I don't have to do anything. I created another pilot to be
part of the airline ,but how do I set it so that he flies routes automatically to bring in money?


Re: Automatic Flight - gronji2004 - 08-08-2007

You must own more that 1 plane to get Fleet Income!

Re: Automatic Flight - Jambone - 08-08-2007

Also, welcome to the forum! Wink

Re: Automatic Flight - Sakakawea - 08-08-2007

Quote:gronji2004 wrote:
You must own more that 1 plane to get Fleet Income!

more planes, but no additional pilots...

Re: Automatic Flight - Valoran - 09-08-2007

Yeah, it's just an amount of money added to your flight income based on the relative size of your inactive fleet planes. It is also modified
by your flight score. If you do well, you get more from your fleet. If you do poorly, you will get less and sometimes you'll get nothing at all
from your fleet if you totally blow your flight. The inactive aircraft remain inactive, they do not incur flight time or maintenance costs, they
just add income to your current flight.