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Runway location - Printable Version

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Runway location - Sjef - 30-07-2007


Does anyone know where FSPassengers looks for the runway locations, it seems to me that it only uses the FS default rwy locations.
Last week I installed the beautiful NL-2000 v3 scenery, this is my only add-on scenery which uses different locations for the airfields than
the default FS locations and everytime I land at EHAM I get a penalty and angry passengers for rolling beyond the edge of the rwy with a
speed over 135 knots.
Now I love flying whith FSPassengers but I also love this scenery, so it would be great to be able to fly with the combination of the two.

Re: Runway location - Jambone - 30-07-2007


Re: Runway location - Sjef - 30-07-2007

OK, thanks, and sorry, I only did a search in the forums. Stupid me, forgot about the FAQ. I'm gonna try that afcad thing, though it is
completely new for me, looks a bit like a challenge, but hey, as a systems engineer I love challenge's :-)

Re: Runway location - Dutch64 - 30-07-2007

Besides that, I've read that NL2000 kind of removes all ILS info Wink

Re: Runway location - Veganist - 05-08-2007

try to copy the nv9eurw.bgl from cd3 of your fs9 (it's in GamesCab8) to /FS9/Scenery/Eurw/Scenery. i think it solved the problem with running of the
runway for me, as well as some other problems with the new nl2000.

Re: Runway location - Veganist - 05-08-2007

smilies are crap. it should have been Games Cab 8..
Good luck!