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FSP demo - Printable Version

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FSP demo - microlight - 26-07-2007

Hi all. I just downloaded and tried to install the demo, but when I started FS9 up, it gave me an error message over the opening screen saying that it
didn't like 'fspassengers.dll' and wouldn't go any further. Is there an easy way to address this? I really would like to start using FSP.



Re: FSP demo - ragingfred - 26-07-2007

try to re-install it, see if that works, if not download again and re-install, if not then I don't know

Welcome to FSP

Re: FSP demo - microlight - 26-07-2007

Roger, wilco.

Thanks, Fred!


Re: FSP demo - microlight - 26-07-2007

No joy, I'm afraid. Downloaded FSP again (also downloaded it a third time from one of the mirrors) but FS9 won't load with any of them - it says it
cannot load 'fspassengers.dll' and that the software will be deactivated but FS can still be used. Except that it can't, as FS9 then exits, with a
curt 'cannot load the library' error message. Can't think what else it might be - anybody have any more suggestions? Standard FS9 installation,
heavily modified with addons, been running perfectly for a couple of years.

Thanks, all.


Re: FSP demo - Jambone - 26-07-2007

try this: http://www.freedownloadscenter.com/Best/free-_dll-fix.html

choose one, they're just registry fixers, they all do the same job Wink

Post Edited ( 07-26-07 19:20 )

Re: FSP demo - Dutch64 - 27-07-2007

Check this thread please (and others on the forum)


Re: FSP demo - microlight - 27-07-2007

Thanks for the replies, everyone - the clean-up on the registry didn't work. Reinstalling WinXP is too big a hassle to contemplate especially as
everything else on my PC works fine, so unfortunately it's bye-bye FSP!

Thanks again.


Re: FSP demo - DBE - 27-07-2007

You don't know what your missing....

Re: FSP demo - microlight - 28-07-2007

May be so, DBE, but I'd rather miss out than mess about with reinstalling operating systems and maybe not getting my PC back to where it is now. It
would be nice to be able to use FSP, but I've got FS9 configured to the point where I already make individual adjustments to pax, cargo weights, fuel
etc - and I've just discovered a new panel for my fave 737 that is almost PMDG-like in its completeness - with the bonus of an audible checklist and
vertical speed measurement on final approach which tells you if it was a good landing or not. Not to FSP standard maybe, but (not being the complete
techie) better than days of potential electronic frustration.

I'll keep a look out for updates and will keep checking back here - maybe I'll have better luck with a later release.

Happy flying, guys!
