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Aircraft keeps stealing my landing slot! - Printable Version

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Aircraft keeps stealing my landing slot! - jer - 22-07-2007

When i land the ATC told me to Go around because of the aircraft at my landing spot! then after that the ATC tells me to Go around again because of
the aircraft and when i crash the report thinks it's a human error! It should be a AI error and ATC error! the ATC should tell the other aircraft to go around!
Flight KR064 flight report log Date July 19 2007

Flight ID: KR064
Pilot: Jeramie
Company: Pacifica Airlines
Aircraft: Boeing 737-400
Flight Date: July 19 2007
Departure: 06h41 (13h42 GMT)
Arrival: --
From: KSFO - San Francisco Intl - Usa
To: KIAH - George Bush Intcntl Houst - Usa
Nbr of Passengers: 146

Accident Report:

The aircraft crashed at 12h55 hitting ground at 121 kt with a vert. speed of -134 ft/m.
There were no known failures on this aircraft at the time of the accident.The cause of the crash remains unknown, most probably it was due to human
error. No emergency was declared before the crash.

-146 passengers aboard
-67 killed
-58 injured
-Pilot and flight crew were injured


Flight Distance: 1,418 Nm Landing Speed: --
Time Airborne: 04h04:15 Landing Touchdown: --
Flight Time (block): 04h13:45 Landing Pitch: --
Time On Ground: 00h09:34 Landing Weight: --
Average Speed: 348.26 kt Total Fuel Used: 29708 lbs
Max. Altitude: FL 340 Fuel Not Used: 5882 lbs
Climb Time: 00h15:53 Climb Fuel Used: 4123 lbs
Cruise Time: 02h50:52 Cruise Fuel Used: 18957 lbs
Average Cruise Speed: 439.46 kt (M0.70) Cruise fuel/hour: 6656 lbs (calc)
Descent Time: 00h57:30 Descent Fuel Used: 6627 lbs

Passenger Opinion: Terror and grief. (0%)
-Were highly entertained by the movie.
-Were in a better mood because they had food.
-Were irritated because they were hungry sometime during the flight.
-Were pleased by the music on ground. A very nice addition to their flying experience.
-Were terrified by the last dive before the crash.

Overall Flight Result: Crash

Pilot's Penalty points: -850 points
Crash! You hit the ground with an impact speed of -134 ft/mn. There was no failure aboard this aircraft before the crash and many passengers died
because of pilot error. (-850)

( 11 penalty disabled by more_option.cfg )

Wall Worry Grrr

Post Edited ( 07-22-07 23:58 )

Re: Aircraft keeps stealing my landing slot! - gronji2004 - 22-07-2007

Quote:jer wrote:
( 11 penalty disabled by more_option.cfg )

Tell me again why you bought FSP? Smile

Post Edited ( 07-23-07 00:09 )

Re: Aircraft keeps stealing my landing slot! - calumd - 22-07-2007

HA HA yeah gringi2004 has a point!::P

Re: Aircraft keeps stealing my landing slot! - jer - 23-07-2007

Off topic

Re: Aircraft keeps stealing my landing slot! - Sakakawea - 23-07-2007

I have also disabled the bank limit and the flap check...the bank limit because I have a Stearman in my fleet and it's boring to fly it always on a
maximum of 30° left or right... and I don't take passengers with me in the Stearman, I use FSP to have the failure generator on this plane ^^ second
because I don't accept why I should set flaps for take off in a piper archer or a C182 -.-

Re: Aircraft keeps stealing my landing slot! - Launchbury - 24-07-2007

If you get stiffed by ATC, hit pause, run up the time compress to 8x which will clear all the traffic out of the sky. Then set the time compress
back to 1x, unpause, and go about your business.