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Made it to C5 But - Printable Version

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Made it to C5 But - Karajr - 13-07-2007

C5 says I can fly "Any aircraft less than 44092lbs" so I tried to buy a lear jet and got this "No Pilots are certified to fly this plane Mulit
Engine Jet (MEJ) empty 11699lbs Well if my math is correct 11699 is less than 44092 so what am i missing?

Thanks Jerry

Re: Made it to C5 But - Daza XIII - 14-07-2007

Without loading FS up to check I think its the "jet" part that you're having problems with. Believe you need a higher rank to fly them.

You can check if you click on your start button - all programs - fs passengers - ? then it's something like tools - aircraft prices. Have a
look, you'll find it. It checks what aircraft you have, tells you the price and what rank you need to be to fly them.

[insert f.a.q. smilie here] Smile

Re: Made it to C5 But - Drew - 14-07-2007

Do you have the latest fsp version? There is a c5 bug with earlier versions.

Re: Made it to C5 But - Daza XIII - 14-07-2007

Cancel what I said as Drew may be correct, the FSP documentation does say C5 any aircraft. Never used career mode myself so never
noticed it before but the aircraft browser thing in the start menu says C6 for all my jets so I assume that may be the bug he's talking