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Unlock Code Not Working? - Printable Version

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Unlock Code Not Working? - Grant Saxby - 11-07-2007

My computer had to be reset to factory settings and as a result I lost fs passengers. On downloading the program again I entered my
Unlock Code, made a new company and went to load the aircraft. At this point it told me my unlock code was invalid. Have emailed the
dan@fspassengers.com & Sales@fspassengers.com and have not received a reply.

Flight sim is not the same without fspassengers and thjought about purchasing again then asking for a refund but with njot getting a reply
doubt I will get a refund.

Can Someone please help mor respond to my emails.

Re: Unlock Code Not Working? - ehunyadi - 12-07-2007

Give it some time; I'm sure someone will get back with you.

I do agree that flying without FSP just isn't as much fun. Smile

Re: Unlock Code Not Working? - Dutch64 - 12-07-2007

The old code should still work. Is it a complete fresh install? No copying over of any files?

Re: Unlock Code Not Working? - Grant Saxby - 12-07-2007

Yep a completely fresh install from downloading fs passengers again to rebuilding my fleets, everything!

Re: Unlock Code Not Working? - Grant Saxby - 12-07-2007

OHHHHHHHH! Just tried the code for the fourth time somehow hoping it would work on a flight from heathrow to gatick! About to land in
Gatwick when it flashed up wrong authorisation code - Fs passengers aborting. Feel really p***ed off now as still no reply from my emails
to fs passengers except on the forums. All I need is another Authorisation code!! The email I sent shows my receipt etc. Wall

Re: Unlock Code Not Working? - Sakakawea - 13-07-2007

I had the same problem when I got a new hard drive... I got a wrong authorization. I reinstalled FSP OVER the existing FSP (without uninstall) and
then it worked... Don't know why but maybe you could try it too...

Re: Unlock Code Not Working? - Grant Saxby - 13-07-2007

Okay guys so far I have tried the following:-

* Reinstalling over previous install
* Setting to run as administrator
* Uninstalling and reinstalling
* Running as administrator and running compatible with previous windows
* Turning off my computer and turning it back on
* typing in the auth code over and over

When I uninstall it and reinstall it fsp still has my company in it that I had previously made??? So it can't be completey un-installing the

Also just to check I am doing it correctly to run as administartor on the install Icon you right click and go to properties?

Have to say this is killing me now and if it wasn't for fs passengers being a one only program I would have ditched it! As said earleir
except for the forums there has been no support.

Would like to thank everyone for their continued forum support so far and lets just hope we get the problem sorted as I have seen other
fsp players with the same problem!!!

Rant Sad Wall

Re: Unlock Code Not Working? - Dutch64 - 13-07-2007

I understand your frustration, but if you have these kind of problems, another code will not help. Your first code should be sufficient.
When you uninstall fsp, please check the fspassengers folder also and remove it (since you're starting from scratch no need to create a backup). After
that, go to the modules folder and delete fspassengers.dll.
Now, important, reboot your pc, reinstall fspassengers and unlock it. This should do it.
You're using Vista I guess? I have to say i don't use vista on my 'game-pc' but maybe there might be a small issue also, perhaps others here with
vista can shed some light on this.

Re: Unlock Code Not Working? - Grant Saxby - 13-07-2007

How do you find the modules folder? is this when you go to the flight sim folder and go to fs passengers? would this be in there?.

Also is anyone able to read my previous post to see if I am changing to adminstrative mode correctly in vista?

Re: Unlock Code Not Working? - Drew - 13-07-2007

X:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9\Modules

Re: Unlock Code Not Working? - Grant Saxby - 13-07-2007

Okay this beats me. Have deleated fs passengers via uninstall, removing the modules and removing all the files I can possibly find in
relation to fs passengers. I turned off the computer and restarted it. Installed Fsp again and guess what!!! Yep yoiu guessed my old
company was still there and the auth code still don't work!!! Wall

Re: Unlock Code Not Working? - Dutch64 - 13-07-2007

if your old company was there, for sure you did delete a lot but not your fspassengers folderSmile

Re: Unlock Code Not Working? - Grant Saxby - 13-07-2007

Nope I am telling you me and the other half even typed fs passengers in serach and deleated everything to do with it!! Why is nothing
simple these days and windows seem to be making things even more complicated with this administrative thingy. iS ANYONE RUNNING
VISTA AND FS PASSENGERS???? Please respond!!!

Re: Unlock Code Not Working? - Drew - 14-07-2007

To answer your question, yes people are running fsp with vista, me not being one of them.

I had the same problem as you when i formatted my xp system, unlocked and during flight would get the wrong autho.....

I did as stated in one of your threads.

Reboot pc to clear files in the memory
reinstall fsp
unlock fsp

After i did these 3 simple steps, i didnt have any more problems.

You say in another thread your other half installed it again for you, why not get her to type exactly what she did to install, ie, did she reboot the pc before installing? etc

Post Edited ( 07-14-07 02:11 )

Re: Unlock Code Not Working? - Drew - 14-07-2007

Quote:Grant Saxby wrote:
removing all the files I can possibly find in
relation to fs passengers.

Yep yoiu guessed my old
company was still there

Then you did not remove the database folder which is within the FsPassengers folder located at

X:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9\FsPassengers\Database

as that is where your company info is stored.