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Off topic - Unable to log out. - Printable Version

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Off topic - Unable to log out. - davey1234 - 04-07-2007

Hi Guys,
I know this is an off topic, but for the past 2 days i have been unable to log out. I click on the log out tab and it seems to go through the
motions but I am still logged onto the site. I guess this question is aimed at Drew or any of the Mods if they have the answer.


Re: Off topic - Unable to log out. - Drew - 04-07-2007

You using IE or firefox?

I had the same problem with IE, even posted about it before i was a mod.

I dont have the problem using firefox.

I just tried with IE and after clicking log out twice in a row, it logged me out.

Re: Off topic - Unable to log out. - dannyboy2005 - 04-07-2007

Delete cookies, thats the safest way Wink

Re: Off topic - Unable to log out. - Drew - 04-07-2007

Yes but simply deleting all of them can be a pain for other sites.

better to go into the cookie list and just delete the fsp ones.

Re: Off topic - Unable to log out. - davey1234 - 04-07-2007

Hi Guys,
Thanks a lot have it sorted now. Just deleted the fsp cookies I am using IE Drew so I will know next time.
Cheers guys,

Re: Off topic - Unable to log out. - fruitfly - 05-07-2007

As far as I understand the coputers (I read about it once; it was in a thick book!!!), the chances are the little 1's and 0's inside your PC got
mixed up.
It's a good thing you got that sorted out, but for the next time it would be wise for you to write down somewhere on a piece of paper the
proper order of 1's and 0's - now that everything is working.

Re: Off topic - Unable to log out. - Sakakawea - 06-07-2007

I just don't care about it... I only click x, my cookies are deleted and then I double click on "Microgrhjdksvb Flight Simulator 2004" and I'm on
cloud nine lol