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ERROR Exporting Flights to VA- Help! - Printable Version

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ERROR Exporting Flights to VA- Help! - UAL 125 - 03-07-2007


I am having a problem exporting a flight I did from KDEN-CYYZ; it wont export to my VA's website. Also, if I try to open any previously
logged flights to read up on them, it gives me the same error message. Here is the message.

Error, Unable to find flight in log file
Log= UA1198, Index=UA1108

UA1108 was my flight number (KDEN-CYYZ)

I really hope this problem can be solved because I am an active pilot in my VA and need to gte flights done.

UAL 125

Post Edited ( 07-04-07 05:38 )

Re: ERROR Exporting Flights to VA- Help! - chinesezgb - 16-07-2007

the same problem with me

Re: ERROR Exporting Flights to VA- Help! - pegase - 16-07-2007

Try to export them here into FsPassengers's Virtual Airline Demo


If it still fails, there is more likely something corrupted in your database. If so, the "usual" way to fix this is to send a copy of your database
to Dan (who is the developer) to fix the problem