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Here are a couple more suggestions. - Printable Version

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Here are a couple more suggestions. - flameout - 07-08-2005

Here are a couple more suggestions.

1.) A company in the red, using margin collateral for loans to operate at corporate credit ratings according to its credit pay back ability
rating awarded 1,2,3 etc. star rating or A, B, C.... for those who like real world on the edge, make it or break it business realism. A good
name in biz is important too for a companies future, add choices to pay or use an excuse not to, as loans become due.

2.) Pilots have to live too so they could have a base salary perhaps according to experience, length of service maybe with added perks
and bonus for good performance to make the game more interesting and seem like we are really dong something as long as we don't try
to cash the cheques at the real bank, this would add to the game.

3.) Fines for bad performance and late arrivals or poor fuel management, could add to the drama of the big bad boss when we land and
are called on the carpet to explain.

4.) There is no punshment for ignoring go around instructions from ATC.

Re: Here are a couple more suggestions. - Airtime - 08-08-2005

Good ideas.

Another thing I would like to see is the ability to lose the x50 multiplier. I don't quite understand why it was put in the program to begin
with, I am sure the author had his reasons, but could we have an option to set the multiplier to 1?

If this is already possible by editing one of the config files I would appreciate a heads up on how and what file to edit.


Re: Here are a couple more suggestions. - nem - 08-08-2005

Good ideas but they'd more or less call for a complete rewrite of the economic model in FSP. Which wouldn't at all be a bad thing as I find it to be
quite basic as it is, but anyway, if it's ever gonna happen it's a long way off.

Re: Here are a couple more suggestions. - clut - 08-08-2005

Quote:Airtime wrote:
If this is already possible by editing one of the config files I would appreciate a heads up on how and what file to edit.

Airtime, this IS already possible, but I'm at work right now so don't have access to my computer to find out how, but I expect some helpful
person will come on today and tell you how.

I think the original reason for the multiplier was because you are acting as an airline company, which is something that spends ALL of it's
time, 24-7 ferrying passengers around. Most of us don't have the luxury of spending ALL our time in front of flight sim, so we only fly when
we can, and the multiplier basically makes up for all the other times when we have to be doing other things. (damn real life!!)

Quote:nem wrote:
call for a complete rewrite of the economic model in FSP
while I was in no way associated with the development of FsP, I am a programmer and I can't see points 2 and 3 of the original post
being too complicated. Whatever financial model is currently employed, these points are simply cases of adding another transaction
within the existing model.

You are correct though with point 1, which does sound like it'd be a complicated task to add, and point 4 is more dependant on whether
FsP can respond to ATC or not..

Re: Here are a couple more suggestions. - Ryanamur - 08-08-2005

Quote:Airtime wrote:
Good ideas.

Another thing I would like to see is the ability to lose the x50 multiplier. I don't quite understand why it was put in the program to begin
with, I am sure the author had his reasons, but could we have an option to set the multiplier to 1?

If this is already possible by editing one of the config files I would appreciate a heads up on how and what file to edit.


You do, search the forum about creating a new company using a scenerio. That's how you do it.
