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help help - hamidreza_news - 21-06-2007

every time i am fliging with my a380 wilco when I try to open my flaps at any speed i get some how
my flaps frozen even with160kt or even less
can any of you guys help in dis .

Re: help help - dannyboy2005 - 21-06-2007

I dont know whats causing it, but i suggest that you uninstall Wilco A380 and then re-install it.

btw, dis is spelt this lol


Re: help help - ragingfred - 21-06-2007

I never had this problem.

Re: help help - cpt_acejoe - 28-06-2007

[quote] config??

Re: help help - cpt_acejoe - 28-06-2007

[color=#3333cc] does it matter??

Re: help help - Jambone - 28-06-2007


Re: help help - Sakakawea - 29-06-2007

maybe you have too less hydraulic pressure?

or maybe this is the same sh** as with my tinmouse 737-200 where you have to move your flaps-lever using your MOUSE... Grrr

but I guess it's any "understanding problem" with the fly by wire... don't get me wrong, I've no idea of flying an airbus (I don't even get the
avionics started). It's just an idea ^^