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Only 1 Passenger? - Printable Version

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Only 1 Passenger? - Mongo - 19-06-2007

Hey, I've looked around and haven't found an answer to this sooo...

I have 4 planes, C210M, two V-35B's, and a C-45H. All my planes but the C-45H get full passengers, my C-45H ALWAYS only gets 1, and it has 7 seats
total. Is this due to it's total fight time? It has about 7147hrs, the most out of all the planes. I also noticed that anytime I fly the C-45H, none
of my other planes fly and I don't get a fleet bonus... That only happens when I fly the C-45H.

Re: Only 1 Passenger? - poden - 19-06-2007

No, it has nothing to do with flight time. Most likely its the payload model, or its not maintained/repaired. To check maintenance, go into
the company manager, and select aircraft maintenance. You have to then pay for any maintenance or repairs. You should always check
the maintenance status after every flight.


Re: Only 1 Passenger? - Canada_Boy - 19-06-2007

EDIT: Nevermind Poden beat me Smile

Post Edited ( 06-19-07 22:18 )

Re: Only 1 Passenger? - Mongo - 19-06-2007

Quote:poden wrote:
No, it has nothing to do with flight time. Most likely its the payload model, or its not maintained/repaired. To check maintenance, go into
the company manager, and select aircraft maintenance. You have to then pay for any maintenance or repairs. You should always check
the maintenance status after every flight.


Yeah I always do check my maint., alls at 100%. I got the payload model off here (D-18 ).

Post Edited ( 06-19-07 22:40 )

Re: Only 1 Passenger? - Jambone - 19-06-2007

I suggest a new one Smile

Re: Only 1 Passenger? - Mongo - 20-06-2007

Quote:Jambone wrote:
I suggest a new one Smile

Alright then, thanks.

Re: Only 1 Passenger? - cpt_acejoe - 28-06-2007

[color=#3333cc] ye happenestome!!

Re: Only 1 Passenger? - cpt_acejoe - 28-06-2007

its realy degrading

Re: Only 1 Passenger? - cpt_acejoe - 28-06-2007

[i] even though its true!! Sick