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We're gonna crash! - Printable Version

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We're gonna crash! - Swift - 02-06-2007


I found something really annoying in fsp... I use to land like this in flight simulator and also saw my dad landing like this in real life:


but when I try to do this in fsp, the copilot says "We're gonna crash" or "We're gonna hit the ground, mum, I love ya!" Applause
this is really boring, after the flight it says it was a very good or smooth landing and it actually was but the copilot thought we were going to
crash. Is there a way to remove this copilot message & sound?


Re: We're gonna crash! - gronji2004 - 02-06-2007

Yep, find the sound files in the Sound Folder of FSP, and delete them. Simple as.

Re: We're gonna crash! - Swift - 02-06-2007

Quote:gronji2004 wrote:
Yep, find the sound files in the Sound Folder of FSP, and delete them. Simple as.

but I still can see the message appear right?

Re: We're gonna crash! - gronji2004 - 02-06-2007

Yeh, I dont think that can be changed .

Re: We're gonna crash! - xhado13 - 02-06-2007

Honestly, I dont think you would crash according to the GPWS call outs in the video . Yeah those were some fast ones, but I dont think it
would be a crash. Just a hard landing. But in FSP (this is just a possibility) that your coming down a lot faster, and pull a flare like the one
in the video and pull some extra g's (maybe right under the mark to annoy the pax)

But yeah, you could just delete the sound. There is that possibility as well.

Re: We're gonna crash! - FsP Dennis - 02-06-2007

you can just remove those texts in FSP's menu.

Re: We're gonna crash! - Swift - 02-06-2007

Quote:FsP Dennis wrote:
you can just remove those texts in FSP's menu.

but that will remove ALL texts :-P
maybe fsp could include an option to disable this in future versions, I found a solution for this anyway.

Ok, this is what I did. I replaced the three message sound files by empty sound files (with the same file name). I opened the "SoundText.fst" file
with notepad and removed the text for those three message sounds, and get something like this:

cplstress_g1.wav;Co-Pilot: You're creating to much G.
cplstress_g2.wav;Co-Pilot: Hey watch the G.


cplstress_stall.wav;Co-Pilot: Stall !!! we are stalling, do something !!!
cplstress_stall1.wav;Co-Pilot: Stall !!! Stall !!!

works perfectly :-D

oh and yeah... I also removed the cplstress_gentle.wav, lol, I like to descent fast
get no penalty points because of that... :D

Post Edited ( 06-02-07 20:45 )