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Fsp goes blackscreen... - Printable Version

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Fsp goes blackscreen... - Cpt.BlueCoop - 25-05-2007

Hello dudes,

got a real problem, using fsp...
If i wanna start it, i get an blackscreen...cant return to FS9...
I´ve read the topic with known issues with vista...installed everything as admin...

...but it wont work...
Always blackscreen...and no way back...

THX for help,
best regards


Re: Fsp goes blackscreen... - FsP Dennis - 25-05-2007

Do you also run FS as admin ?

Post Edited ( 05-25-07 15:58 )

Re: Fsp goes blackscreen... - Cpt.BlueCoop - 25-05-2007


Re: Fsp goes blackscreen... - FsP Dennis - 25-05-2007

Hmmm... I found this maybe you can use it.
This is how to run programs as adminstrator in Vista try it and after that try to use FSP again.

Quote:Andy14 wrote in another post:
1. Right click on my computer
2. Go to manage
3, Go to local uses and groups
4. Click on the folder users
5. Right click on administrator
6. Properties
7. Un-tick account is disabled

Report back when you got some news Wink

Re: Fsp goes blackscreen... - Cpt.BlueCoop - 26-05-2007

...sorry - dont know what u mean, dennis.

got the german version Wink means: Benutzer -> administrator <-- this folder has full rights !!

....sorry no good news Wink

best regards Cpt.BlueCoop

Re: Fsp goes blackscreen... - FlapsOut - 27-05-2007

Yeah, I have the same thing.

I think it has to do with the payload file, cause it only happens on airplanes that FSPassengers wants to 'correct'.

a real problem...


Re: Fsp goes blackscreen... - FsP Dennis - 27-05-2007

I don't know what the problem is sorry guys!

Re: Fsp goes blackscreen... - Cpt.BlueCoop - 27-05-2007

...now FSp worx - only have to cancel fullscreen mode and play it windowed...
BUT...bought it on ebay and saved the logindatas on HDD - now they are away...ARGHHH

Some way to get the informations back...with original keys from cdbox ?! Smile

Thx for helps
best regards Cpt.BlueCoop

Re: Fsp goes blackscreen... - Drew - 27-05-2007

You saying you bought a fsp unlock code from ebay? or am i reading your post incorrectly?

Re: Fsp goes blackscreen... - gronji2004 - 31-05-2007

Hey, Im having the same problem. It corrects itself if I play Windowed Mode, but in Window Mode, the AA settings are all screwed and the
graphics are terrible.

Anyone help?

Re: Fsp goes blackscreen... - FsP Dennis - 31-05-2007

Quote:Drew wrote:
You saying you bought a fsp unlock code from ebay? or am i reading your post incorrectly?
Seems you don't get any answer Drew Wink