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[Solved] Abacus A380 v2 ( and Abacus 787 Dreamliner) flying nose down / nose bouncing during taxi - Printable Version

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[Solved] Abacus A380 v2 ( and Abacus 787 Dreamliner) flying nose down / nose bouncing during taxi - skydiver350 - 22-05-2007


ever since applying the FS Passenger Payload correction to the above Aircraft under FS2004 resp. letting FS
Passengers add 2 stations, the Aircraft
nose jumps up and down during taxi and in Air will fly nose down. I've tried all possible Tweaks in the Aircraft.cfg
tuning section and also
using FlusiFix and Flight Sim Manager, but nothing seems to work.
For ex flight in Auto Pilot.: FL 320 with M0.86 results in Trim -7 where it should be neutral or slightly positive trim. I
need to reduce speed to roughly M0.70 to
get the plane fly straight.
The first release of the Abacus A380 version remained unaffected by FS Passengers payload modification.
Could someone please help me to fix this otherwise very nice aircraft?

Thank you!

P.S.:I'm catching up on the numerous threats regarding nose bouncing, which apparently may be related to the cfg
contact point paramters? Are there any guidelines how to change them?

Post Edited ( 05-22-07 17:54 )

Re: Abacus A380 v2 flying nose down & nose jumping during taxi - skydiver350 - 22-05-2007

>The first release of the Abacus A380 version remained unaffected by FS Passengers payload modification.< ...by that I mean that the first
version doesn't seem to have any issues with FS Passengers.

Again, any pointers would be very welcome, cause I barely fly anything else than the A380.

Best regards,


Re: Abacus A380 v2 ( and Abacus 787 Dreamliner) flying nose down / nose jumpin - Dutch64 - 22-05-2007

Sounds to me like v2 has drastically changed flight dynamics.
To control the pitch you can try to change the cruise_lift_scalar . Decreasing the value will bring the nose up (increasing --> nose down)

Re: Abacus A380 v2 ( and Abacus 787 Dreamliner) flying nose down / nose bouncing during taxi - skydiver350 - 22-05-2007

thank you very much Dutch64 for your quick answer; I'll give it a try! (y)

Best regards,


Re: Abacus A380 v2 ( and Abacus 787 Dreamliner) flying nose down / nose bouncing during taxi - Joeflyer - 22-05-2007

Anything from Abacus scares me. I've had a couple of products from them and both were absolute crapolla.

Re: Abacus A380 v2 ( and Abacus 787 Dreamliner) flying nose down / nose bouncing during taxi - xhado13 - 22-05-2007

Can you believe they still their products at Gamestop, and EB Games?

I found that kinda weird....

And I think it pisses people off because they need to buy FS9/X before they can use their product. Like Joe said, Crapolla!

Re: Abacus A380 v2 ( and Abacus 787 Dreamliner) flying nose down / nose bouncing during taxi - skydiver350 - 22-05-2007

decreasing cruise_lift_scalar to 0.5 fixed the issue. However now I cannot fly any faster than M0.80.. I'll look into how that could be
compensated. Also resolving Nose bouncing on ground remains a puzzle...

Re: Abacus A380 v2 ( and Abacus 787 Dreamliner) flying nose down / nose bounci - Dutch64 - 23-05-2007

You can increase the thrust_scalar value slightly (in steps of 0.1) and see what works best (these are all quick and dirty fixes, don't expect
miraclesWink ). Nose bouncing most likely is a contactpoint issue. When there are only 3 contactpoints for the gears defined, it might bounce and drop a
bit. Check if the contact points section has been changed compared to version 1. If so, copy over the contact points from v1 to v2.

Re: Abacus A380 v2 ( and Abacus 787 Dreamliner) flying nose down / nose bouncing during taxi - Airliner - 23-05-2007

Quote:Joeflyer wrote:
Anything from Abacus scares me. I've had a couple of products from them and both were absolute crapolla.

THANKYOU! I'm glad someone else agrees with me. I have the B787 and even after that, made the plunge at the Aircraft Collectors
Edition. Exterior models are not bad at all but the cockpits? Sick Rant Talk about a paste up job! Not to slander a company but, come
on! I should have known when there were no interior images of any of those planes on the box!

Re: Abacus A380 v2 ( and Abacus 787 Dreamliner) flying nose down / nose bouncing during taxi - skydiver350 - 25-05-2007


again excellent advice: the cruise speed issue was resolved by adding 0.1 to the the thrust_scalar value.
The Nose bouncing, indeed being a contact_points issue, was completly resolved by changing the static_compression of point.0 from 0.50 to 0.70.

Thank you very much!

Best regards,


Post Edited ( 05-25-07 10:23 )

Re: Abacus A380 v2 ( and Abacus 787 Dreamliner) flying nose down / nose bouncing during taxi - vgage - 28-05-2007

yep abacus sucks. Too bad I spent money on it. The cockpit for the models are bad! I feel as my nose is pressed against the window.
The 787.. no interior lights in the virtual cabin. At night it is so dark. Do not even try to fly from the vc at night. A nice looking model but crap.
I wish simmer's sky/overland sold thier planes with virtula cabins!

Re: Abacus A380 v2 ( and Abacus 787 Dreamliner) flying nose down / nose bouncing during taxi - arsenalmem - 03-06-2007

Yep have too agree as well brought 4 products from them n hardly any came wif livries lyke a320Rant n ova planez spend £20 lauzy
poundz on dem lol