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Trim - Printable Version

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Trim - Adde - 24-01-2007

I have no idea wether this is a bug, or not. But I'll give it a try;D

When I takeoff, before I put autopilot, the plane goes mad. I tried adjusting the trim, it helped. So the pitch trim is the problem. If I
am ''lucky'', it does not happen before landing, when I have turned off my autopilot. But stall is what I get, at any part of my trip, without
autopilot. I can't remember if it started before I installed FSPassengers. But I had som flights, with that plane, without troubles. Suddenly
it started. So I bought a new airplane, but it did not help. Is there a setting I can change or something, so I get auto trim??? I am NOT
good in flying withot trim...

Re: Trim - poden - 24-01-2007

What plane is this problem on?

Re: Trim - Adde - 24-01-2007

It is just downlad freeware. One is Project Openskys b737-700 Sterling. It worked som times, before it started to mess up. The other one
is a Icelandair plane

Re: Trim - poden - 26-01-2007

Always adjust the trim before takeoff to the same setting. Then if you're flying with FSP, and know the plane is a little tail or nose heavy, adjust
a little more to compensate. If tail heavy, adjust trim down. If nose heavy, adjust trim up. I don't know anything about the panel you're using,
but you obviously need to be able to see the trim setting to do this.

Re: Trim - Adde - 26-01-2007

Ok, thanks. I take and load the aircraft, so the marker is in the middel. I tried to uninstall FSPassengers, and found out tha my joystick isnt
working very good. But i guess the trim should be in the middle, since it is "middle loaded", or??? I use b737 default panel...

Re: Trim - poden - 29-01-2007

I'd try several practices takeoffs without FSP, experimenting with different trim settings, and get used to first setting a trim that works. Then go
ahead and run FSP, and adjust a little more as needed.

Re: Trim - Adde - 01-02-2007

Thanks for the tips!
But I've tried to uninstall FSPassengers, to find out my joystick isnt workingX(
But thanks for all tips!