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Pilot's penalised for perfection? - Printable Version

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Pilot's penalised for perfection? - jboweruk - 04-08-2005

This is gonna sound daft but at least 2 of my pilots seem to be getting hit for being perfect.


pilot 1: not so great had negative points, has 8 hours and just got to C1 with 300 points, needs 1218(i think) to get to next level.
pilot2 : again has a few neg points, she is C2 on 12.5 hours and needs a total 2135 to hit C3 with 22 hours.
pilot3: perfect, never put a foot wrong and is on 6 hours odd with 1200 odd points, and needs 2100 odd to hit C2 with 12 hours (What??)
Hardly fair now is it. over 2K points to go up when somebody else did it with 1333?

Re: Pilot's penalised for perfection? - Ryanamur - 04-08-2005

If I'm not mistaking, the point counter is reset after each promotion. Meaning there is a certain point differential between C2 and C3 and
that differential is added to your point total when you get promoted to C2. This is to prevent having a C21 after 10 hours of flight Smile... Mind
you, I wouldn't be surprised if pilot 3 received an early promotion if his flight record stays this way.

Post Edited ( 08-04-05 18:49 )

Re: Pilot's penalised for perfection? - jboweruk - 04-08-2005

I kinda wondered that with the points. Loving every minute of trying to get up to jus the twins with 7 pilots. Think how it's gonna feel when I
get one to the Big heavy jets....