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Quite funny that, --- anybody else care to share ... - Printable Version

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Quite funny that, --- anybody else care to share ... - robirob - 01-08-2005

For years I,ve been simming with Fs9 where it didn't really matter about passengers or weight or landing of the runway etc...

I am trying the demo version, flying the bush scenarion in my Piper cherokee 6, minimum amount of fuel on board to avoid being
penalized .. so there were 4 passengers waiting at the gate which when loaded left me with 87% payload (One of the passengers was a
real porker)
To get the maximum bucks per flight I maxed out to 100% with cargo.

Thinking it didn't really matter I placed all of 600 lbs of it in the Back section, clicked the "Load" button and got ready to depart.
All of a sudden I am no longer looking at the runway oner the panel but nothing but blue sky.
So throttle to 80%, engine industriously reving away BUT no movement.... Looked in the external view and the tail is burried in the runway
and front wheel pointing to the sky. It seems I was a bit rear heavy.

I thought that was quite hilarious, and so apparently did the Pax, they forgot to sceam...

So I'll have to change my sloppy ways and pay more attention to realism.
Anybody else have similar funny things happen to them ?

I am impressed, will buy when the 1st patch comes out .



Re: Quite funny that, --- anybody else care to share ... - jboweruk - 01-08-2005

I had a nosewheel give out yesterday (weird since I only hit the runway(if you could call it that) at 225fpm) but the pax didn't panic or
scream, just got out as if nothing happened. And I got promoted to boot. Darn second hand planes.

Re: Quite funny that, --- anybody else care to share ... - smartboy4 - 01-08-2005

What's there to laugh about ? Since you move the CG to the back, it's normal for this to happen ?

Re: Quite funny that, --- anybody else care to share ... - jboweruk - 01-08-2005

I think the site of the plane must have been funny. Sitting up and begging like that would've looked hilarious.

Re: Quite funny that, --- anybody else care to share ... - lightrail - 01-08-2005

Landing a 737-400 at CYEG - I was a little high on the approach so was descending at about 2,000 ft per minute - the co-pilot cries out " we're going
to hit the ground" and I'm thinking, "yes we are, it's called a landing". I slowed our descent to 900 ft per minute for a hard landing.

You learn.... Smile

Re: Quite funny that, --- anybody else care to share ... - pegase - 01-08-2005

I had somr thing like this in the other way with my Beechcraft D 18 S for which I made myself the payload model (Then it COULD NOT be wrong).
It worked but needed to rumble as fast as a jet liner. Same punition in landing, forget flare and positive pitch under a good 110 kts.

I re-edit the model to push a bit backward the CG but then clicking on the "estimate" got a bad CG apreciation. OK, let's follow the estimation and I
moved passengers and luggages until I got a perfect CG Pos = 0.00 Good CG.

I then started a session for my shortest flight in my career: as soon as the the 5 passengers and their luggage where in, the poor D 18 rocked
forward, nose in the concrete and tail in the air Sunk

Then back in the editor, I pushed all the stuff backward, ignored the bad CG warning and now, my D 18 is sweet to take off and land in nice 3 point
configuration at 70-80 kts Cool

Conclusion: Never do as you are told Smile (never do = don't always do)

But wait, Rob!!! may be I can send you my previous D 18 S model for your Piper cherokee and I can try your Piper cherokee on my D 18 S Wonder