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Failures - Printable Version

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Failures - jboweruk - 22-04-2005

Hi Dan,

will it be possible so that the only failures occuring are due to negligence, ie not maintaining your aircraft correctly and/or pilot error but
without random failures over which nobody has any control?

Re: Failures - DanSteph - 22-04-2005

Sure, you can set the failure level in option to 0 nothing will happen to you, but
if your aircraft is in bad condition (not well maintened) a failure may then occure
(IE: if your aircraft state is at 80% you have now 20% chance that a failure occure)

Also pilot error as rough landing and overspeed or gear or flap extent beyond the speed limit
damage your aircraft... if you forget to repair it you may have a failure the next flight.

Also each flight your aicraft is degraded by a slight amount that depend of flight time,
the calculus are complicated because as in reality a short flight is more damaging than a long flight
IE: one flight of 4 hours is less damaging than four flight of one hour heach.

So the reply is: you can set the level of failure to zero, you will then only get failure due to your bad


Re: Failures - jboweruk - 22-04-2005

Many thanks Dan, this sounds like the superlative add-on for FS9 that I for one have always wanted to see. Worship

Re: Failures - amenofiiv - 01-06-2005

Great work Dan! I've another question about: if a failure occours during your trip (too fast descent, flaps or spoilers broken due to the excessive
speed...) are you warned immediately or at the end of the flight?
I make this question because it happends to me (fliyng with AP) that a flight it's been considered like "crashed" just because the plane suffered too
much sollecitations and nobody warns me until the end of flight... i find it's no too well!! Rant
Continue doing this work Dan! :-)
Thanks anybody wants answer me!

Re: Failures - Tanz - 01-06-2005

Hi Dan,

You're very right about long/short flights comparaison...In fact we talk about cycles (only for jet/turbine engines)...And the more cycles you have,
the less your engine we'll last.
A PT6 for example cost around 250.000 $...So according to your operations, if it's mainly short flights you may increase your operating
costs...because instead of getting 3600h before overhaul....You could get only 3000h!
SO basically, it won't "damage" your aircraft but overhaul will come sooner...unless you don't do it (i'm not sure PW let you do it) and then you can
have engine faillures...

See u!

Re: Failures - DanSteph - 01-06-2005

Quote:amenofiiv wrote:
I've another question about: if a failure occours during your trip (too fast descent, flaps or spoilers broken due to the excessive
speed...) are you warned immediately or at the end of the flight?

With gear failure and flap failure you get a nasty "bang" sound and the co-pilot will say what happened
some second later.... you can't miss also a door open in flight while you get a "bang" (depend of altitude)
a loud wind sound and also the pilot warn you...

with an engine flameout , same things, first you will notice of course the sound of engine shutdown
and the co-pilot will warn you also somes seconds later....

the only things you don't get any warning is a fuel leak or a oil temperature increase...
I expect to force people to watch their pannel as in reality to control that all is well...

Anyway of course if your engine finally fail because the oil have reached the red line or flameout
because you don't have fuel anymore , the copilot will also warn you...


Post Edited ( 06-01-05 16:32 )

Re: Failures - amenofiiv - 01-06-2005

Thank you Dan, i tink that this way is the better! Smile
Good work and thanks again for the answer!

Re: Failures - Robjos - 01-06-2005

The faliure sound sets will be fantastic - just one small thing, although you can do it in flight sim it is actually physically impossible to
open a door at high altitude (eg 25000ft) in a pressurised aircraft as the door is sucked and locked into place by the pressure (and
external wind of course). However if the aircraft is completley depressurised it is possible to open a door during flight. Interestingly I read
in the 757 flight manual, in emergency situations it is possible to open the cockpit windows during depressurised flight in order to gain a
clear view fowards in the event that the main foward windows become severley damaged and instrument flight is limited.

I always like your faliure implementation. I remember the first time I undocked your DG3 in Orbiter without closing the airlock. The sound
was amasing - it was like I was being sucked out of the spacecraft!

Re: Failures - DanSteph - 01-06-2005

Quote:Robjos wrote:
just one small thing, although you can do it in flight sim it is actually physically impossible to
open a door at high altitude (eg 25000ft) in a pressurised aircraft as the door is sucked and locked into place by the pressure

You are right of course. but the problem is that you can do that in Fs2004.
so FsP can't let an aircraft fly with a door open without noticing.

This happened to me and a beta tester, we attempted to restart an engine in flight:

"Oh well what was the keyboard command ?"
"Ah yes, I have it... SHF-E of course... I'm the best, I know EVERY Fs key... super brain, that's it"


"ah oh ? ooops !"
"heuu tower ? ....I just jettisonned the door... so ahem.. mayday... yes... heuu... mayday...but .. we have the situation
under control... all is fine..." **loud sound of passengers screaming in the back**

(fictionnal comments, FsP don't include the pilot voice that feel dumb)


Post Edited ( 06-01-05 21:47 )

Re: Failures - Shandon - 01-06-2005

LOL, Your too much Dan...Turning Cool

Re: Failures - bdparris - 02-06-2005

About the door opening warning and failure, will this happen on all aircraft? Such as if I am flying a C130 cargo drop, and I open the rear
ramp with keys other than Sht+e or Sht+e+2? Is it bound to a certain key in FS9 or FSUIPC? I know that some aircraft such as the FSD
Porter uses these keys to open the parachute door. Just curious.

Re: Failures - DanSteph - 02-06-2005

this is an interesting question...

I didn't controled but if I remember FsP test E and E+1 not E+2
if cargo is E+2 your saved else no... people will have to stay
in the aircraft...

FsP isn't really inttented yet to modelise operation with cargo drop
and military drop... it's more for civilian passengers carrying...

ANYWAY gentlemen,

By request of tester I'm now destroying all my one years job LOL...
no I mean somes of them requested that user may be able to disable
somes penality...

As I cannot do a setup screen to disable the work of 40'000 lines of code one by one (setup would be 2450 pixel height)
I have done a small CFG that anyone would be able to edit
by hand... setting some value in this CFG you will be able to disable
a lot of penality and perhaps somes feature...

this CFG is named "more_option.cfg" located in "config" folder
and editable by notepad....

it look like this yet (I asked tester what thy want to include in it, it's work in progress):

more_option.cfg -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// more_option.cfg
// In this file are value that allow you to tune, adjust enable
// or disable somes function or penality of FsP that are not
// listed in the setup dialog of FsP because they will be used
// rarely and only by a few users...

// penality disable (0=penality enabled 1=penality disabled)

End of more_option.cfg -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

So I'll add also "DisableDoorCheck"

As you see I'm not enthousiast to add this file, anyway it's true that it can help people
to chea.. to kill the gamepl.. hum... I mean... to enjoy FsP more. Wink


Re: Failures - jboweruk - 02-06-2005

If ppl use it to actually cheat then they're only cheating themselves. May be handy in military/humanitarian situations though. Smile

Re: Failures - DanSteph - 02-06-2005

Some tester said that it can be usefull for military flight (G for example)
and they are of course right...

notice a string containing all your setting will be passed to VA when you export flights...
VA admin can control this string to see if you cheat or not...
VA admin can even refuse a flight if it was not done under certains setting,
it's their reponsablilities anyway...


Re: Failures - bdparris - 02-06-2005

I never thought about using it to "cheat". I guess some people will use it though. This is not a big deal for me though, as I can simulate
opening the cargo door without going through the motions of actually opening it. You don't have to really add that in there Dan if you don't
want to as it is your program and most people probably won't use it. There are only a very few aircraft that use these keys for the
passenger\cargo doors. FsP was designed for passengers and probably 99.9% of the flights will be with passenger aircraft. You could
wait and see what kind of feedback you get after it is released and then think about a patch later on. I didn't want to add to your workload
(you sound busy enough as it is), I was just asking about it out of curiosity.