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Had an emergency but was fined for declaring it. - Printable Version

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Had an emergency but was fined for declaring it. - kihew - 31-07-2005

Hi there!

Today I had my first in flight malfunction. What a thrill : ) I love this program.

I was flying milton shupe's Beech18 and midway between Walkers Cay and Florida I start having left engine vibrations in the props. I
elect to continue as planned as I have a good engine left. But nearing the coast line number two starts behaving the same. Props
indicators vibrating erratically. I decide to land at the nearest airport. So I declare an emergency and begin my descent. On final both
engines die. Left one goes firstly, right follows shortly. I feathered the props, lowered the gear but it didn't lock. As I touch down the gear
collapses. I managed to crash land softly. I finish the flight (mail is going to be late today). And I am fined 5000 usdollars and 300 points
for declaring a false emergency!: )

Should I have just declared it after the engines failed? Was that the problem? or Could it be a bug here?

Going to fix that plane now!


Re: Had an emergency but was fined for declaring it. - Ryanamur - 31-07-2005

The emergency was not caused by FsPassengers. That's why you were fined. Disable all other emergencies that you might have outside of FsP to prevent
this from happening again.


Re: Had an emergency but was fined for declaring it. - Slaghead - 01-08-2005

I don't know. I never had a failure during my first 19 flights except for when I was vectored over Oakland on my way to SFO... But that was

I just got done with a flight and almost immediately after take-off all my electronics flipped off. Lights, avionics, radios, everything. I
declared an emergency came back around and landed. After landing, my flaps wouldn't operate, I checked all of the switches, everything
looked exactly the way it should.

I don't have any other add-on software, not even a downloaded plane, except for FsP and I've never used the FS failure setup ever. Mainly
because I couldn't figure out how to make failures random like FsP does so nicely.

It sucks because I just got qualified for turbo props and I was saving up and hoping to have one by the end of the week. Now it will take
me that long just to get my account back to $0. Grrr And that's not even bringing up the loss in pilot points. *sigh*

Shouldn't the fines be added after the 'real' multiplier? $250,000 is a lot of money for a fine on a C182 that only gets 2 passengers per
flight. I'm gonna' go cry for awhile in the corner now.

Re: Had an emergency but was fined for declaring it. - nevinch - 01-08-2005

I don't know this Beech 18 from Milton Shupe...is this payware? I know some of my aircraft like Level D 767 come with failure settings
built into it; seperate from FS. To use FsP with these I've got to disable those failures in addition FS failures as well. One thing is for
certain...you are seeing some hard failures and if FsP isn't taking responsibility for them I'm pretty sure the failures must be coming from
elsewhere....like the Beech 18 code or perhaps double check FS to see if those penalties are disabled.

Re: Had an emergency but was fined for declaring it. - Slaghead - 01-08-2005

I don't know about kihew but I am only using the default FS planes. In this case it was the C182. If there is a failure setting built into the
default planes then I had no idea. Is there? And if so, how do you turn them off?

Re: Had an emergency but was fined for declaring it. - AltairZQ - 01-08-2005

Why were you fined Slaghead? Did you declare the emergency?

I'm a little worried about that 250.000$ fine. I got a company with single pilot with a Cessna too, in realistic mode.

Re: Had an emergency but was fined for declaring it. - DanSteph - 01-08-2005

Hello Folk,

there is no failure as you indicated in FsP appart when you're hit by the DCA,
the fact that the emergency was false indicate that also.

the milton shupe's Beech18 have some failure built in or use gauge that have failure built in.
About the base 172 that's very strange but again there is no "shut down all electronic" failure
in FsP... you might have something that triggered this failure... or perhaps you forgot to light
the generator ??? (might make senses ?)

I'm sorry About 250.000 fine but it would make no sense to have gain X50 and fine X1
who would bother about 250$ when heach flight you earn 250'000$ due to the multiplier.

Hope it help ?

PS: I'll move this topic to support forum once you have read it as it doesn't belong to "FsP general"

Re: Had an emergency but was fined for declaring it. - Ryanamur - 01-08-2005

Quote:DanSteph wrote:

About the base 172 that's very strange but again there is no "shut down all electronic" failure
in FsP... you might have something that triggered this failure... or perhaps you forgot to light
the generator ??? (might make senses ?)


Actually Dan, I lost all my electronics after being shoot at by DCA.

Now, back to the original problem... it also might have been ICING!

Re: Had an emergency but was fined for declaring it. - Slaghead - 02-08-2005

I will assume responsibility for the problem. I did check all the switches when I got back to the gate and the alternator was on then so I
don't know. I that failure doesn't happen except for DCA then I can't really say that the guy who wrote the program is wrong can I? haha

The $250,000 was really steep. I understand about the x50 modifier and all but still. Now I have to start all over. $4,000,000 to transfer a
pilot (me) to another company? I never knew I was worth so much. haha I would have kept playing that same career/company if the
game would let me. Can't buy fuel with negative cash in the bank? I think after 20 flights (including the miserable failure (18 perfect, one
bad and one very bad)), I could have gotten a loan to cover. But oh well. A credit card would have been nice at least. haha

The fine was $5000 IIRC times the modifier. If the modifier is turned off, then I would never have made $5000 in a C182 to cover it
anyway then.

Thank you for your time Dan, I didn't really mean to waste it. If it happens again though.... haha