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Flaps setting and penalty points - Printable Version

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Flaps setting and penalty points - Marc Devillers - 31-07-2005

Hello to all,

Taking of with the same plane Cessna210 and same load (freight and passengers), I have sometimes the following penalty message:

Pilot's Penalty points: -300 points
Forgetting to set the proper flaps during take-off is an extremely dangerous fault and does not show proper piloting skills. (-300)

During other flight with exactly the same conditions and flaps setting I have no penalty message. Can someone explain me this situation
and what I have to do to avoid this.

Many thanks in advance and best regards,

Marc Devillers

Re: Flaps setting and penalty points - SWAFO - 31-07-2005

Search the forum. This topic has been discussed before. Normally, with any degree of flaps set, you should not incur a penalty.

Re: Flaps setting and penalty points - pagir - 01-08-2005

At take off, it's better to keep your flaps until 1000 fts to avoid any penalty!
