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great response - Printable Version

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great response - AST_126 - 27-07-2005

I have been on many forums, and i would like to say this is one of the very few that replys very quickly to messages, trivial or indepth,

i salute you for your great attitude in after sales support
thanks chaps

Smile Smile Smile

Re: great response - walterp - 27-07-2005

...... and a distinct lack of trolls.
Just a bunch of nerds who have nothing better to do with their time. Wink

Re: great response - JayKae - 27-07-2005

*grins* working from home has its benefits Wink

Re: great response - SWAFO - 27-07-2005

lol. You're welcome! We're here for you!

Re: great response - eazy - 28-07-2005

right you are Brad, and I apologize that I'm stupid (re: downloads; thread you closed)

so I put this on my checklist: T-H-I-N-K !!!

(and thx for the hint!)

Re: great response - JayKae - 28-07-2005

Don't worry eazy... you won't be the first and you will definately not be the last Wink

Re: great response - SWAFO - 28-07-2005

lol... that's for sure, I don't mean to come off rude, but as I mentioned before after 12 years in the Marines, it's usually hard not to! lol

Re: great response - poden - 28-07-2005

Yo, nerd here!

Yup, great board, great product.

Life is good.

Re: great response - Ryanamur - 28-07-2005

Quote:SWAFO wrote:
lol... that's for sure, I don't mean to come off rude, but as I mentioned before after 12 years in the Marines, it's usually hard not to! lol

There's a few of us with military experience... I was also a pilot for 6 of my 10 years in the Canadian military.

Anyway, thanks AST_126... always nice to hear that hard folks like us are somewhat polite and helpful Smile Smile Smile

Post Edited ( 07-28-05 15:09 )