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Finally Landed the 737 - Printable Version

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Finally Landed the 737 - Tato66 - 27-07-2005

Just want to mentioned that thanks to FSP i was forced to learn to land for the sake of my passengers, Never
before really care about good landing until now again thanks to FSP. I was able to land for the first time a 737 with 146 passengers, the
flight report gave me a perfect flight and nice landing. WOW what a feeling. Thanks to Dan and his team for this incredible
add on.

Thanks a lot

Re: Finally Landed the 737 - Ryanamur - 27-07-2005

Congratulations! Now that you've mastered the landings, time to move on to emergency landings Smile Smile Smile


Re: Finally Landed the 737 - jboweruk - 27-07-2005

I... DON'T even wanna think about that....... Last time I had a problem was when I blew the turbo on the FSD Seneca, I crashed because I
couldn't maintain altitude.......

Re: Finally Landed the 737 - smartboy4 - 27-07-2005

lol do a normal flight n procedures.

If you have a problem or failure, just land like usual :P

Re: Finally Landed the 737 - SWAFO - 27-07-2005

Exactly, the key is to stay calm. An emergency is simply a normal procedure with the word NON in front of normal.