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25 hours Maintenance - Printable Version

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25 hours Maintenance - silo - 26-07-2005

The 767 flew 22 hours. What happens if I depart Rome inbound for LAX? Will I get penalized because the 25 hours scheduled
maintenance is in 3 hours but the flight will be 13 hours? Should I do a Rome-London, do the maintenance and then fly London-Los


Post Edited ( 07-26-05 07:59 )

Re: 25 hours Maintenance - jboweruk - 26-07-2005

Interesting question. Anyone?

Re: 25 hours Maintenance - Felix - 26-07-2005

Hi, silo,

as far as I know: You don't have to.
My Aircrafts were always over the 25 hours-mark when visiting them (at about 26-27) and there was no problem. And I don't think, that you get a
penalty when maintaining 12 hours too late. But don't count on me, I didn't wrote the program ;-)


Re: 25 hours Maintenance - pilot3033 - 26-07-2005

Quote:silo wrote:
The 767 flew 22 hours. What happens if I depart Rome inbound for LAX? Will I get penalized because the 25 hours scheduled
maintenance is in 3 hours but the flight will be 13 hours? Should I do a Rome-London, do the maintenance and then fly London-Los


I would think that it would not dock points from anywone, but the chances of failure would increase the more you put off hte mx.

Re: 25 hours Maintenance - DanSteph - 26-07-2005

intteresting question... the answer is : I don't know, I must look the code Wink

stay tuned...


Re: 25 hours Maintenance - DanSteph - 26-07-2005

got it....

if your visit is passed since 5 hours after the flight the "misc" degradation value is increased
by a small amount * time exceeded , mean that your aircraft will degrade now quickly
for heach flight hours. This simulate that some other piece may have sustained some damage
because of the lack of maintenance

Anyway you can do the 25 hours visit at 20 hours this leave 10 hours safe marge
and also this feature "start" at 5 hour excess (ie: >30 hours) , and for the first hours you'll not get a big
increase in the degradation rate.

hope it explain ?


Post Edited ( 07-26-05 21:20 )

Re: 25 hours Maintenance - Felix - 26-07-2005

Aaah, I see, thanks Dan for making this clear.

I made by the way a funny expirience with the 25h maintenence: the flight after I made the 25h visit on my Cessna Caravan I had flap-problems during
approach - and that after a complete check of the aircraft by my mechanics! I repaired the flaps and after two flights: again flap-failure.

... I think I'm gonna fire those damn incompetent mechanics and repair the aircrafts myself ;-)


Re: 25 hours Maintenance - silo - 26-07-2005

Thanks Dan for clearing this up. That means if I take off now from Rome to Los Angeles, the first 8 hours are going to be ok (I am at 22). I
only have to worry for some random failures after that.

"Anyway you can do the 25 hours visit at 20 hours this leave 10 hours safe marge"

I do maintenance at the end of every flight (Post flight maintenance) but there is no way of doing the 25 scheduled maint. at 20, right?


Re: 25 hours Maintenance - DanSteph - 27-07-2005

Quote:silo wrote:
I do maintenance at the end of every flight (Post flight maintenance) but there is no way of doing the 25 scheduled maint. at 20, right?

I f my fast reading of my code was right you are allow to do the 25 hours before,
I think since 20 hours or at least 21...


Re: 25 hours Maintenance - silo - 27-07-2005

Than I must be going to the wrong page looking for this option. I go to Company Manager and click on Maintenance and there's nothing
there. The last time I saw something it was a Post Flight maintenance for $6000.00, which I did. Is it somewhere else? I have 22 hours
on that aircraft so it's over the 20 or 21 you've mentioned.
I'm not trying to be a pain in the A**, sorry. Just trying to figure out if something is not right and maybe you guys could fix it, if you think it's important and have time for it. In real life you would have the choice to do the scheduled maint. earlier if the next flight would go over the limit.

Post Edited ( 07-27-05 03:17 )

Re: 25 hours Maintenance - qdrummer21 - 27-07-2005

I know when I was at college studying flight the FAA, or might have been college policy, required inspections every 100 hours I think it was. Now it
has been about 6 years since I last flew in RL so I don't remember I could look it up in the regs if I can find that book. If you were 2 hours out
from the inspection and went up for a 3 hour flight you were actually flying the plane illegaly. That's why the school tended to ground the planes at
around 95 hours and send them over to maintnace as most student flights where no longer then 2 hours this avoided any possible accidents of going over
the the 100 hour inspection.

Re: 25 hours Maintenance - silo - 27-07-2005

Exactly. Yeah it's in the regulations it's not only college policy.

Re: 25 hours Maintenance - DanSteph - 27-07-2005

Quote:silo wrote:
Than I must be going to the wrong page looking for this option. I go to Company Manager and click on Maintenance and there's nothing

You should have a button "visit selected" on the "maintenance" tab but its disabled if it's not visit time...
I just looked at the code precisely this button is allowed only at >22 and >97 hours...

perhaps I should allow it at 20 and 90 ?


Re: 25 hours Maintenance - silo - 27-07-2005

The "visit selected" button is grayed out but that's because there is nothing in the list which I can select (for example LeveldSim 767-300).
Here is the status of the aircraft in question:

Aircraft Name: [DXT3] Level D Simulations B767-300ER - Delta Airlines
Aircraft Type: Multi Engine Jet (MEJ)
Total flight hours: 36h43
Aircraft actual state: 100%
25 hours maintenance: next in 3 hours <-----------------
100 hours maintenance:next in 78 hours
Actual repair cost: No repair needed

So you see, if there are no repairs needed, as it shows above, no a/c will ever appear (in the a/c needing maintenance list) that I can
select and then click on "Visit selected". Unless that's not the way I'm supposed to do it, of course.

Thanx Dan.

Re: 25 hours Maintenance - silo - 27-07-2005

Oh ok I see, you said >22 >97 so I probably need to fly at least 23 hours, right?