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ATC - airline name - Printable Version

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ATC - airline name - bdlong - 26-07-2005

When I was playing without FSP, ATC would call out the name of my virtual airline. Now, under fspassenger, it uses the two letter code that I typed
during the "new company" creation. Is there a setting that I haven't found that changes this to ATC using the full name?


Re: ATC - airline name - jboweruk - 26-07-2005

The only way around that is to go into settings and uncheck use ATC uses FSP airline name (something like that anyway.) What's the
name of your airline?

Re: ATC - airline name - bdlong - 26-07-2005

Quote:jboweruk wrote:
The only way around that is to go into settings and uncheck use ATC uses FSP airline name (something like that anyway.) What's the
name of your airline?

Where do I change that setting? I've looked in FS2004 and FSP and I haven't been able to find it.

I fly with WestWind VA (http://flywestwind.com) . I added it originally using "editvoicepack."

Re: ATC - airline name - nem - 26-07-2005

It's in the FSP settings. Can't say exactly where, but definitely there.

Re: ATC - airline name - Uwe Parris - 26-07-2005

FsPassengers Setup - General Setup - ATC Call Sign (Use FS2004 Callsign).

Hope that helps


Re: ATC - airline name - jboweruk - 26-07-2005

Thanks Uwe, I couldn't remember where it was.