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Italy Malpensa LIMC. Why does this happen - Printable Version

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Italy Malpensa LIMC. Why does this happen - snakeboy - 22-09-2005

Italy Malpensa LIMC.Using PMDG 747-400.
Tried landing here 3 times now and each time, seconds after rolling down the runway , FSP say's I've crashed. I have even tried it with
isdproject's version of the airport thinking it might be an afcad problem but no joy. Ok without FSP. If anyone else has got the PMDG 747,
see if you can land. This problem only works when running FSP and only with this plane.
Help! Wonder

Re: Italy Malpensa LIMC. Why does this happen - snakeboy - 22-09-2005

Did some searching on the PMDG sight and it seems to be a bug with the aircraft. The reason it only happened with FSP is that I have got
crashes unchecked in the main prog.

Re: Italy Malpensa LIMC. Why does this happen - snakeboy - 22-09-2005

Problem solved Applause

Re: Italy Malpensa LIMC. Why does this happen - DBE - 22-09-2005

Quote:snakeboy wrote:
Problem solved Applause

Glad we could help! Wink

So what was the problem? Surely not only a case of disabling crashes?

Re: Italy Malpensa LIMC. Why does this happen - snakeboy - 23-09-2005

Ok, it seems that if you look at the surface of the the runway it comprises of two types of surfaces. Using the afcad program to change all
of them to asphalt fixes the problem. It seems that the Queen doesn't like it when the runway changes from one surface to another. You
can test this by slewing down the runway with crash detection checked.

Re: Italy Malpensa LIMC. Why does this happen - DanSteph - 23-09-2005

Good information to know...

Many thanks for sharing this. Beer
