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ATR 72-500 Flaps problem - Printable Version

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ATR 72-500 Flaps problem - KZLA-CH - 20-09-2005

This occurs on the ATR and a couple other airplanes...there are only two flaps settings. When I takeoff using either of them, I get a flaps penalty.
If I take off with no flaps, I get a flaps penalty...I can't win no matter what I do...is there somthing in the config file that needs to be set to
avoid this penalty?

Re: ATR 72-500 Flaps problem - AndrePaul - 20-09-2005

i dont fully understand wat ur saying, but im guessing u have two flap settings, correct me if im wrong, one for approach and the other for
down, and u get a penalty whether they are up or down
there are two things u cud do:
1 - change the flap settings in the cfg file
2 - disable the penalty

what u cud do now tho is look on ur cfg file and tell me what those flap settings are, and u said it occurs on other a/c, mayb it could be the
cfg file is just wrong, bcz its like that sometimes.

tip - when u takeoff with partial/full flaps do not retract until above say maybe 350 - 500ft

Re: ATR 72-500 Flaps problem - eazy - 20-09-2005

Most flaps penalties on take-off happen because flaps are retracted too soon. Wait until you reach at least 500-700 ft AGL before you
retract them.

@Andre: 2 settings means 2 positions - 15 deg and 30 deg for the ATR

Re: ATR 72-500 Flaps problem - KZLA-CH - 20-09-2005

I'll give that a try...I had been retracting the flaps right after liftoff. Ass far as the .cfg file, what would need to be changed there?

Post Edited ( 09-20-05 17:36 )