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End of Flight Report - Printable Version

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End of Flight Report - Jerrymc3 - 19-09-2005

Does FSPassengers save all of your End of Flight Reports and if so, where, I couldn't them. I made a 3 hour online flight this Saturday
and forgot to file my Pirep with AVA. I made another online flight today and so the Last Viewed Report is for todays flight.

Re: End of Flight Report - SaVas - 19-09-2005

Go into your pilots flight history and double click the one you are needing, it should pull up the flight report.

Re: End of Flight Report - Sovek - 19-09-2005

yes, this is why I dont fly without FSP if I can help it.

P.S. does AVA mean Altair Virtual Airlines???

Re: End of Flight Report - Jerrymc3 - 19-09-2005

Thanks, I'm saved

Re: End of Flight Report - SWAFO - 19-09-2005

Yep, they're all there. I also keep my flight plans printed out and stashed under my desk. This way, I can reference different aspects of
certain flights if necessary (I make LOTS of notations on my virtual-printed flightplans).