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Registration problem - Printable Version

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Registration problem - ctsantzal - 19-09-2005

Hi there to all...

the problem that i would like to be helped about is that yesterday i bought with my credit card FsPassengers because i believe that is one of the best
add-on programms for FS2004.
Unfortunately i made a mistake with my e-mail address( instead of xx@xx.gr i wrote xx@xx.com) which lead me not to get the registration key.
Is there a way to correct my e-mail address and finaly get the key to unlock all the capabilities of the programm?

Thanx in advanced and keep up the good work

Re: Registration problem - DBE - 19-09-2005

Don't worry, Dan(Steph) will help you!

Simply send him a mail (dan at fspassengers.com) stating your name and mail address and he'll get back to you with the data you need!

Re: Registration problem - Mud - 19-09-2005

email Dan with your problem , I'm sur he can help you .

[edit from admin] Hit "contact" button at bottom of the site.
(I removed my e-mail in plain to avoid spammer robots)


Re: Registration problem - SaVas - 19-09-2005

that would be for the Head Cheese Dan of all FsP knowledge. Im sure he can help as this is a common issue with so many things as
even Ive done it in the past.


etc dot something or the other

Re: Registration problem - SWAFO - 19-09-2005

As mentioned, Dan's the Man when it comes to each and every possible issue!

Re: Registration problem - ILikePlanes - 20-09-2005

Dan's so smart... like jeopardy smart lol

Post Edited ( 09-20-05 03:03 )

Re: Registration problem - DanSteph - 20-09-2005

Solved even before I saw this post... Smile

Hope you received my mail ctsantzal ?
