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Unbelievable - Printable Version

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Unbelievable - AeroJim - 17-09-2005

I just finished a flight from KCEZ-KPRC about a 3 hour, flight (C182), came in on 21R, beautiful descent, best flight i've ever had, beautiful
touchdown, taxi to the end of the runway, turn off, contact ground, CRASH, unbelievable, couldn't believe it, the mini-display was still up, i
just was amazed, ive heard of FS (FSP) crashing on guys when they were on final, but to do it when im 1 min. away from parking,
ubelievable, i mean FSP is well worth it, but i get so frustrated, especially cuz im an FS freak and don't wanna fly from somewhere if id
dint fly there, so i am planning on re-doing that flight, urgh.!

Re: Unbelievable - Fritz Bayerlein - 17-09-2005

Crash, as in wreck, or crash, as in game crash?

Re: Unbelievable - AeroJim - 17-09-2005

game crash, sorry, thought i made that clear

Re: Unbelievable - Jetflyer - 17-09-2005

Ah jeez that sucks....I know what its like I've had loads of crashes on my PC recently, including in a nine hour flight! Sometimes windows or FS2004
just chucks sh!t at you, but there's usually sme underlying software reason for the problem. Maybe even something as simple as conflicintg modules or
aircraft even. I'll try and find information on this bit of software called something like "Flight Simulator Manager" which can be downloaded and
detects any errors in the FS9 folder at least.

Re: Unbelievable - AeroJim - 17-09-2005

yeah, i definately decided to cheat this time because i wanted to do that same flight, so i put on the fastest time acceleration i had and did
it over, it took 10 minutes instead of 3 hours, didnt get as many pts. but its worth it, now im finally travelled across the U.S.A to my new

Re: Unbelievable - samiranks - 17-09-2005

aerojim, i went thru the same thing last night. After flying from sbgl to ksea after lining up to land on the approach. 5min from landing fs9
crashes.. I think i did mention way back to Dan about a way to record as you fly to at least get your hours, because it gets frustrating at
times dealing with that.

Re: Unbelievable - SaVas - 18-09-2005

It happens to the best of us. I just had a 10 hour trans atlantic flight crash on me after I landed.

And like you I always start from where I last landed the particular aircraft. I have 9 aircraft in my fleet now and write down the last place
each one ends a flight, but I wont stop simming, and even with a crash of the PC or a CTD, I pick up the pieces and start over. No biggie.

Re: Unbelievable - SWAFO - 18-09-2005

I had something VERY similiar happened. I disabled crashes, and now there's no problem!

Re: Unbelievable - AeroJim - 18-09-2005

disabled crashes? you know we mean a computer crash, not a wreck

Re: Unbelievable - SWAFO - 19-09-2005

Quote:AeroJim wrote:
disabled crashes? you know we mean a computer crash, not a wreck

Yes, I was aware of that. I have disabled computer crashes, and now there's not a problem! lol

Actually, I messed up. I knew you were talking about PC crashes, but for some reason I referenced FS9 "CONTACT or COLLISION"
crashes. I have no idea why. I was thinking one thing, and writing another. Must be dissociation caused by alcohol intake Wink

Re: Unbelievable - AeroJim - 19-09-2005

well i heard bout you airline pilots, and i saw the movie "dodgeball", (the scene with lance armstrong at the bar w/ vince vaughn, look
behind lance)_

Re: Unbelievable - SWAFO - 19-09-2005

I haven't seen that movie. Guess I'm missing something here?

Re: Unbelievable - Dutch64 - 19-09-2005

Quote:SWAFO wrote:

crashes. I have no idea why. I was thinking one thing, and writing another. Must be dissociation caused by alcohol intake Wink

It's ok Brad, really... Everybody would start drinking when flying a boeing Smile

Re: Unbelievable - djdavies - 19-09-2005

Here is a link to the afformetioned FS Manager. If not already a member of flightsim.com, you'll need to join, but it is free and innocuous.


Re: Unbelievable - SWAFO - 19-09-2005

Quote:Dutch64 wrote:
Quote:SWAFO wrote:

crashes. I have no idea why. I was thinking one thing, and writing another. Must be dissociation caused by alcohol intake Wink

It's ok Brad, really... Everybody would start drinking when flying a boeing Smile

Ahhh... that's low! Actually, McDonnel Douglas (with the F/A-18) started me drinking. You'd be crazy to fly that thing and not drink (or at
least pop a Valium or two Wink )