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Got a crash message few min's after touchdown.. - Printable Version

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Got a crash message few min's after touchdown.. - BriT - 15-09-2005


I did St John's to Halifax today and i was all set to do another perfect flight, untill the landing, it was gusty wind's 1 mile vis so it was by no
mean's smooth Smile. On landing i floated so i lost speed and hit the ground hard, the pax fear was 40% and the co-pilot said something
like "i hope the strut's don't break" lol not good? anyway i was nearing the end of my taxi and suddenly my joystick shook and got a crash
message, report said unknown reason for the crash and 20 ppl died? mmm. If it was related to the gear then wouldn't it say that? maybe
i hit a parked plane to the left of me but i had load's of space between it, probably just a one off but it was rather odd.

Re: Got a crash message few min's after touchdown.. - SaVas - 15-09-2005

It could be you experienced a scenery rendering "bounce" that caused your plane to crash. Its happened to me.

Re: Got a crash message few min's after touchdown.. - BriT - 15-09-2005

I never thought of that, i think that's the most likely case. thank's