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REVERSE THRUST PROBLEM - bomen168 - 10-09-2005

what the heck is wrong with FSP when it comes to reverse thrust? I mean I wasn't even at or lower than 60 Kts when I was using the
reverse. I actually put it back to idle before it called out "80 KTS." Why does it still show on my flight report that it is not safe to use reverse
thrust under 60 kts???

Re: REVERSE THRUST PROBLEM - olseric - 11-09-2005

Hmm, how did you turn off the reversers?

Normally, I just reach down and punch F1 at about 70 kts and never have had an issue.

Re: REVERSE THRUST PROBLEM - alphaone - 11-09-2005

Yeah sometimes I even go a little below 60kts before hitting f1 and I've yet to get a penalty.

Re: REVERSE THRUST PROBLEM - Fritz Bayerlein - 11-09-2005

I turned off that penalty in the config files because I use my thrust reservers to back out of the gates at airports. Yeah yeah, FOD, FOD,
wah. I don't like the push-back so I use my reversers, works like a charm on my 757.


I too have disabled the penalty... more realistic from my standpoint. If you'd like to know why, search the forums... I've discussed it a few

Re: REVERSE THRUST PROBLEM - AndrePaul - 14-09-2005

i've never used it b4, im scared to, afraid of the penalty that evryone is getting, but will do soon, maximium autobrake and auto spoilers do
well for me, plus i dont fly any heavies so i dont think i need to at the moment, my biggest is a fokker 100

Re: REVERSE THRUST PROBLEM - lightrail - 14-09-2005

Quote:Fritz Bayerlein wrote:
I turned off that penalty in the config files because I use my thrust reservers to back out of the gates at airports. Yeah yeah, FOD, FOD,
wah. I don't like the push-back so I use my reversers, works like a charm on my 757.

Have you tried FScopilot push-back - it works really well and lets you define the distance and turn - comes with sound files "chatter" talking between
ground and the flight deck. It's free: http://www.mcdu.com/en/fscopilot.php

Post Edited ( 09-14-05 08:15 )

Re: REVERSE THRUST PROBLEM - lchristianes - 14-09-2005

I also push F1 right after 8 kts call-out, and I never got that penalty either.
F1 is kind of our digital certification that the throttle will be set to idle, therefore there will be no reverse thrust...

Re: REVERSE THRUST PROBLEM - SaVas - 14-09-2005

First it isnt really necessary to have a subject in ALL CAPS. People will read it without the ALL CAPS

Secondly I havent had any issues with the reverse thrust. Land hit F2 then when after the copilot calls 80kts I push forward on my throttle
for just a sec to release the reverse thrusters and viola. No problems


Quote:SaVas wrote:
Land hit F2 then when after the copilot calls 80kts I push forward on my throttle
for just a sec to release the reverse thrusters and viola. No problems

Hitting F2 will only decrease your throttles by one "notch": you do mean "press and hold down", no? Wink

Re: REVERSE THRUST PROBLEM - SaVas - 14-09-2005

Quote:DBE wrote:
Quote:SaVas wrote:
Land hit F2 then when after the copilot calls 80kts I push forward on my throttle
for just a sec to release the reverse thrusters and viola. No problems

Hitting F2 will only decrease your throttles by one "notch": you do mean "press and hold down", no? Wink

No. I hit it once and it slows me down from 140kts to less than 80 kts as if it had antilock breaks of steel



That's odd, what aircraft model are you using? I've always had to press and hold it, and then it only minorly slows me down. I do find that
reverse thrust in the PMDG 737 is under-modeled. Keep in mind that we can go just as high in positive N1's (forward thrust) as we can
in negative N1's (reverse thrust). I find that in FS9, the N1 usually won't go above 50-70% when using MAX reverse thrust. In reality, I'll put
money on the fact that I can exceed 100% N1 (in the older 737's with no thrust limiting device... AKA, our -3/500's) in reverse. Anyone
wanna bet? I'm sure my PAX would just love that! The force of deceleration would be incredibly immense!

The highest I've realistically taken the N1 on reverse would be about the 80% range... that's stopping at BUR, or SNA... some place with a
short runway and tight noise abatements. I always love to come in loud and in charge at those places!


Re: REVERSE THRUST PROBLEM - SaVas - 14-09-2005

Quote:SWAFO wrote:

That's odd, what aircraft model are you using? I've always had to press and hold it, and then it only minorly slows me down. I do find that
reverse thrust in the PMDG 737 is under-modeled. Keep in mind that we can go just as high in positive N1's (forward thrust) as we can
in negative N1's (reverse thrust). I find that in FS9, the N1 usually won't go above 50-70% when using MAX reverse thrust. In reality, I'll put
money on the fact that I can exceed 100% N1 (in the older 737's with no thrust limiting device... AKA, our -3/500's) in reverse. Anyone
wanna bet? I'm sure my PAX would just love that! The force of deceleration would be incredibly immense!

The highest I've realistically taken the N1 on reverse would be about the 80% range... that's stopping at BUR, or SNA... some place with a
short runway and tight noise abatements. I always love to come in loud and in charge at those places!



It doesnt seem to matter. I hit F2 once and viola I slow down quickly. Granted in something like a 747 it takes a bit longer but in any 737
Ive used I stop on a dime using F2 and the '/' key for speed brakes and applying wheel brakes.


You mean you don't arm the speedbrakes? You shouldn't have to manually deploy them. Simply press SHIFT-/ (I believe), or manually
set them to the "ARM" position.

I've always said that I can stop a lightly loaded (110,000LBS) 737 in about 3500-4000 feet. Maybe less. I've never tried it though, since for
some reason the PAX don't like flying forward in their seats, and the maintenance guys don't like red hot brakes, or wheel well fires. I've
done it a few times in the simulated world though!

Re: REVERSE THRUST PROBLEM - UAL2282 - 15-09-2005

I have just read the posts here on the reverser ploblem and I too have had the problem. However, I get the penalty when I dont even use
the reversers. All I use to help stop the plane are the spoilers (activated automatically) and brakes. I have seen at times that I will not get
the penalty if I stow the spoliers prior to 60kts. Now based on that, I see aircraft all the time landing at the airport where I control traffic and
they they use their spoilers all the way to taxiing off the runway. Some of them even have their reverses still deployed after turning off the
runway. Based on the fact that they takeoff about 30-60 minutes later, proves that using the reversrs below 60 kts will not harm the