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parking brakes? plane still moves? - Printable Version

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parking brakes? plane still moves? - samiranks - 10-09-2005

can anyone help me with this.? Once plane is configured for Fsp sometimes the plane still moves with parking brake.. what in aircraft.cfg
can i change in order to fix this?


Re: parking brakes? plane still moves? - Fritz Bayerlein - 10-09-2005

Edit the air file and take a few thousand pounds of thrust out of your engines!

Or make the plane heavier.

Re: parking brakes? plane still moves? - samiranks - 10-09-2005

i tried that and when i tried to load the aircraft again. fs9 crashes and wouldnt load the plane

Re: parking brakes? plane still moves? - alphaone - 10-09-2005

I noticed that sometimes its actually not the plane moving, but the airport itself! Bug

Re: parking brakes? plane still moves? - SWAFO - 10-09-2005

If the plane is moving with the brakes set, you've got too much thrust. Scale it down a bit. If it's a problem with the airport actually moving,
then you need to contact the designer of that AFCAD (if it's aftermarket), or simply not use that airport... not much else you can do!

Re: parking brakes? plane still moves? - Dutch64 - 11-09-2005

Well, planes moving while on brake happens with for example certain pss aircrafts. I have it all the time with the a319, 320 and 321 series. My brakes
will reach temperatures of over 2000 C while just being at the gate lol.
When I load different FDE for that plane it's gone so have a look around if you can get different fde's. What planes are you talking about?
If you see the whole airport moving..... hmmm, i didn't have the pleasure to see that happening yet but if it would occur i would for sure stop
drinking and go to sleep.... Wink

Re: parking brakes? plane still moves? - Fritz Bayerlein - 11-09-2005

My POSKY 757-200 will reach speeds of over 40nm/h with the engines in idle, if unchecked.

Just too much power!

Re: parking brakes? plane still moves? - samiranks - 11-09-2005

swafo i tried scaling the thrust down some but the only thing that did was crash fs9 when loading the aircraft after going into the air file
and going to engine thrust and scaling it down about 2000 less.. DUTCH64 even the default planes do the same thing. I think its only
after fsp take control, if i can use that term, of the aircraft.cfg, because the default aircraft b737 never use to do so

Re: parking brakes? plane still moves? - Jetflyer - 11-09-2005

No the problem is ground friction which is not calibrated correctly. I wouldn't touch those settings in the Aircraft.CFG unless you really know what
you are doing in there. Taking a few thousand pounds of thrust from the engines when it has the correct specifications it's meant to have is moronic.
Ground friction is your problem mate. You somehow need to increase the parameters to increase friction and reduce ground roll with the brakes on.

Re: parking brakes? plane still moves? - samiranks - 11-09-2005

okay jetflyer i hear you but maybe ill just leave everything alone. sounds a little complicated...

Thanks though

Re: parking brakes? plane still moves? - pagir - 11-09-2005

I'm sure you did recalibrate your joystick?


Re: parking brakes? plane still moves? - olseric - 11-09-2005

Quote:I'm sure you did recalibrate your joystick?

Either widen the dead zone at the bottom or when you go to calibrate it, make sure that you leave it a hair forward of all the way back.

Mine does this (Virtual Pilot Pro) and it's annoying. There are some a/c it doesn't bother, ones with more thrust (757, etc) will creep
unless I reach down and hit F1.

Re: parking brakes? plane still moves? - jboweruk - 11-09-2005

Another solution once posted was to edit the strength of the parking brakes in the .cfg file of the aircraft.

Re: parking brakes? plane still moves? - Fritz Bayerlein - 11-09-2005

That sounds like a good option.

Re: parking brakes? plane still moves? - samiranks - 11-09-2005

i will try that. Oh i have the ch product throttle yoke and pedals.. so ill try to re calibrate, but ive tried that several times. though