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Hungry 2 quickly? Fed Twice in 5 hours flight. - Printable Version

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Hungry 2 quickly? Fed Twice in 5 hours flight. - silo - 09-09-2005

I don't mean to be insistent but I'm noticing something strange lately with the passengers. I took off for a 5 hours flight and gave them food after 2 hours. After it was done, the inflight report showed that the passengers would be hungry again in 4 hours. All normal until here. But when I got around 2 hours left for the destination the passengers got hungry again?!?! The minidisplay showed passengers 1% hungry and disappointed. I had to give them food again. I served them hot food and drinks both times (never sandwiches)in a 5 hours period.
Is there anything I can post here...like a log or something so you guys can take a look at and see if there is anything wrong?
It's not the first time it happens since I donwloaded the latest version of FsP...

Post Edited ( 09-10-05 01:52 )

Re: Hungry 2 quickly? Fed Twice in 5 hours flight. - aibiria - 10-09-2005

I've got an answer for you!!

You were carrying pigs as a passengers, that's why they get hungry that quickly !!! lol

Re: Hungry 2 quickly? Fed Twice in 5 hours flight. - silo - 10-09-2005

No that's not possible...I always screen passengers personally and this time I made sure no pigs were boarded.

Post Edited ( 09-10-05 04:15 )

Re: Hungry 2 quickly? Fed Twice in 5 hours flight. - Fritz Bayerlein - 10-09-2005

Sounds like ethnic profiling to me!

Re: Hungry 2 quickly? Fed Twice in 5 hours flight. - silo - 10-09-2005

Not at all!....the pigs were transported separately on a different airplane, a 747 actually where the cargo was fitted with plenty of food
for them to choke on during the flight in first class!

Post Edited ( 09-10-05 07:49 )

Re: Hungry 2 quickly? Fed Twice in 5 hours flight. - smartboy4 - 10-09-2005

I think they didn't eat for the past 3 days, that's why.

Re: Hungry 2 quickly? Fed Twice in 5 hours flight. - snakeboy - 10-09-2005

What nationality were your passengers, some eat more than others. lol

Re: Hungry 2 quickly? Fed Twice in 5 hours flight. - BriT - 10-09-2005

American's then haha Smile

Re: Hungry 2 quickly? Fed Twice in 5 hours flight. - silo - 10-09-2005

Ok....if you have to be sarcastic at least write something that really is funny, come on guys... Wonder

Anybody flew a 5 hours flight and had the same problem?
Doubt Anybody flying a 5 hours flight at all? Doubt

Re: Hungry 2 quickly? Fed Twice in 5 hours flight. - BriT - 10-09-2005

Did CYVR - PHNL last night, about 6 hour's and i served them hot food about 25 mins after reaching cruise and it said in the inflight
report than i did't need to feed them for another 8 hour's, so i don't konw why in your case they would be hungry...

Re: Hungry 2 quickly? Fed Twice in 5 hours flight. - silo - 10-09-2005

Yeah, me neither...maybe I should do a fresh install of FsP...
I was flying from SKBO to SUMU when it happened...after feeding them the first time the inflight display did mention that they would be
hungry again in 4 hours but then all of the sudden they got hungry again, after 2 hours. The mini display showed the satisfaction rate
going down and hunger percentage going up...

I don't know... Wonder

Well at least now I know that I'm the only one...thanx Mike.

Post Edited ( 09-10-05 18:41 )

Re: Hungry 2 quickly? Fed Twice in 5 hours flight. - SWAFO - 10-09-2005

Flying naturally makes people hungry! lol... especially us Americans! What are the statistics? 60% of our citizens are overweight or

Re: Hungry 2 quickly? Fed Twice in 5 hours flight. - BriT - 10-09-2005

No no, more like 95% American's are overweight, ah i crack myself up.....got some cream for it..don't work lol

Re: Hungry 2 quickly? Fed Twice in 5 hours flight. - SWAFO - 10-09-2005

Lol... No one in my family is overweight! There's quite a few people in my close and extended families. I believe it's closer to 50-60%. I
know in Philadelphia it's upwards of 80%... too many damn cheesesteaks! lol.

Re: Hungry 2 quickly? Fed Twice in 5 hours flight. - silo - 10-09-2005

You know that when I moved to Los Angeles (I'm from Italy) I gained, when at my top, 60 pounds in a 4 years timeframe? Now I've already
lost 50 so don't panic...
I kept eating the same amount of food I was having in Italy but because I didn't move as much, I started gaining weight.
And I don't like hot food and junk like that, so imagine if I did! (I do like chocolate though but I don't consider that junk Wink )
The weird thing is that when I went to Italy on a 30 days vacation, I ate more and came back to LA weighting less. Go figure!
I think Detroit is the city with the most overweight people , followed by some cities in Texas I don't recall...

Post Edited ( 09-10-05 19:57 )