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After c11, a new pilot to teach - Printable Version

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After c11, a new pilot to teach - AndrePaul - 09-09-2005

OK, i may have asked b4 but what abt when i reach c11 and there is no more limitations to a/c, can i just please hire a new pilot and
mayb instruct him and we both get the flight hours, after all , the new pilot is at c0(student) he cant do it all by himself,

at c11 or more, make it possible so that if u use another pilot to fly, make the pilot at c11 be the co-pilot and teach the new pilot, and get
the flight hrs too

i dont think it should be that hard, just like how u made the change that if a pilot is sick, he regains 10% health or so after every flight by
another pilot!


and if it could be implemented earlier, that would be nice too

Re: After c11, a new pilot to teach - Jetflyer - 09-09-2005

Do you mean you want to train another pilot to fly on the same copy of FsPassengers? Am I not correct in saying that upon installation the rules were
"this software is for use on ONE computer by ONE registered user"?

Re: After c11, a new pilot to teach - SWAFO - 09-09-2005

I think he means simply retaining the "C11" as a "training pilot", and adding a virtual "apprentice" (so to speak). I'm not 100% sure, but I
think that's what he was getting at.

Let's not start the debate about "one copy, one PC" again! lol


Re: After c11, a new pilot to teach - SaVas - 09-09-2005

Its not about having something to reach at each stage of the flight career. Sure up to C11 you can fly bigger and bigger aircraft, but then it
becomes reaching the highest stage C23 or whatever the level is.

Because then at C12 then what? Add something new? C13...add something else new?...C14 even more new stuff?

As you can see, if Dan constantly added more and more and more complex things to FSP other than what he is doing now, he would
have to charge 4x as much for the addon than he does now.

After C10, maintain your satisfaction level, strive for perfect, handle the failures like a pro, start a bush company, turn on everything and
edit the file so you dont get 50x for a flight. Make it 1x, and start with 30 mill (enough for a decent 737 or 727) then see how long it takes
you to make enough to buy a 747 or A380.

Dont look at FSP in such a linear way that the only drive you have is reaching C1, C2, C3...C10, C11....C20 etc.

Re: After c11, a new pilot to teach - SWAFO - 10-09-2005

I believe I'm still a C2 after almost 75 flights. I have quite a few negative points (because I was a beta tester, and worked through a lot of
the buggy issues), but I'm not complaining. You shouldn't fly FSP for the sole purpose of advancing in rank. Sure, it's a neat feature, but
the primary focus of FSP is adding ambiance to the flight. You'll enjoy it much more this way, instead of looking at it as a "game" that you
can beat. Make sense?

Re: After c11, a new pilot to teach - AndrePaul - 13-09-2005

im not degrading the product or anything, im just saying that when a pliot has reached c11, u can do dual flights, and flight hrs still adds
on to both, c11 still advances, and the new pilot also, its just a nice idea, i think it would be relly nice, and maybe implement a progress
report, bcz to have a company with only 1 pilot is kinda unrealistic

Re: After c11, a new pilot to teach - Plane Nuts - 13-09-2005

You can already have additional pilots on your roster, no need to only have one.

I'm trying to understand the point of having a pilot trainee in your eyes. Would you fly as the new pilot, or keep flying using your C11 pilot?
Either way, what's the point in adding the hours to the other pilot's flight time?

1. If you are flying as the C11 pilot, and the apprentice is getting hours too, you are still just flying along in the big jets, and you're
apprentice will quickly become rated to fly big jets as well, and you never actually went back and flew SEP, MEP, etc. aircraft with him.

2. If you are flying as the new pilot, you're C11 pilot is gaining actual flight hours for not "really" doing anything. At least in the real world,
the instructor is in command of the aircraft often. That wouldn't be the case here in FsP. So you might end up with your C11 pilot gaining
a rank or two while "training" your new pilot, but there would be absolutely no sense of accomplishment in gaining those hours and
points for you.

Seems kind of pointless to me.

Re: After c11, a new pilot to teach - Jetflyer - 13-09-2005

See if you can get to "Flying Legend" status first - then who knwos what happens.

Is there a "surprise" or just a full stop "prize" for reaching this rank?

Re: After c11, a new pilot to teach - dreamnite - 13-09-2005

Quote:Is there a "surprise" or just a full stop "prize" for reaching this rank?

Forced retirement and a virtual gold watch? lol

Re: After c11, a new pilot to teach - jboweruk - 14-09-2005

I still have 2 pilots each 4 hours shourt of C4, so got a long ... long way to go yet.