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Slow time counter during de-boarding - Printable Version

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Slow time counter during de-boarding - cph1965 - 25-08-2005


I normally give the passengers 5 minutes boarding time (Real time load button in the "load aircraft" screen).
The same time then the passengers have at the end of the flight to leave the airplane, again.
Absolute doing nothing with FS2004 (just looking at the FSP mini display) I noticed that during a real time minute the counter only
counted back 33 seconds. So it is counting down 27 seconds too slow in one minute. The only thing was that I had turned on the music
for the passengers.

I am sorry as I am very busy during the bording time to prepare the cockpit I had not looked at the timer here.

What can be the reason for such a long delay?

Happy Landings & Always Three Greens

PS: I am now on holiday for 10 days, so I can reply only afterwards.

Re: Slow time counter during de-boarding - SaVas - 25-08-2005

It takes a while for people to get their carry on baggage and leave the plane...unless you are part of Crackawhip Airlines and herd them off
your plane like sheep headed to slaughter.

If I remember correctly I think this was a bug and should be 5 mins to board, 5 mins to unload, both being equal to the other

Re: Slow time counter during de-boarding - SWAFO - 25-08-2005

I too have this problem. I simply don't sit through the unboard any more. Simply end the flight in the FSP menu... you won't get penalized
for it. Better than waiting 10+ minutes as it is now!

Re: Slow time counter during de-boarding - jboweruk - 25-08-2005

Since I only fly a Beech A36 it's not too much of a problem yet. Only 3 pax aboard and by the time my Copilot and I finish shutting down
and getting our Eval from despatch the pax have finished unloading. Once I hit something bigger like a C421 Golden Eagle with 8 pax
aboard then if they haven't unboarded I will just shut the flight down once the checks are finished.