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Are there other planes besides the 737? - Printable Version

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Are there other planes besides the 737? - modes4284 - 24-08-2005

How do you switch planes? I can't use any other plane besides the 737 that is already given to you. And I can't seem to use the
downloads that I download from this website. Is there a trick to it? Please Help!!

Re: Are there other planes besides the 737? - Jetsgo - 25-08-2005

What do you mean how do you switch planes? Go to the pull-down menu in Create A Flight for selecting aircraft.

Re: Are there other planes besides the 737? - SaVas - 25-08-2005

Go into your flight sim, select an aircraft like you normally would, then open the FSP menu and click Company Manager, then Buy current
Fs plane

Re: Are there other planes besides the 737? - Kstinson - 25-08-2005

This was the first thing I had trouble with too.lol

Instead of going to select flight on main Fs9 directory, go to create a flight instead and set it up as you normally would selecting the plane,
airport etc.(note if your using demo make sure that you choose KOAK,KSFO or KCCR as a airport to begin at). Once the flight starts, hit
the Alt key on your keyboard and go to the FsPassengers tab. To create a company, open up the Create a company and pilot manager
and follow instructions. After you create a company, go to company manager under the FsPassengers tab and hit buy current Fs9
aircraft. You will now be able to buy whatever aircraft you currently have active (example if you picked the learjet when creating your flight,
only the learjet of that paint will be available to purchase). To buy a different aircraft once you have started a flight, hit the Alt key andgo to
the Aircraft to and hit Select Aircraft. Then just choose an aircraft and that is what will be available to buy. You can purchase multiple
aircraft of the same type, they just all have to be a different paint.

Hope this helps you out, happy flying.

Re: Are there other planes besides the 737? - Kstinson - 25-08-2005

I may have overexplained a bit, but to anybody that is new and cant figure out how the program works at all, my walkthrough should

Re: Are there other planes besides the 737? - SWAFO - 25-08-2005

Works for me! Thanks for the helpful post kstinson

Re: Are there other planes besides the 737? - Jetsgo - 25-08-2005

Overexplaining it isn't possible, some people LIKE details! Good explaination!