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People in small planes should get hungry and thirsty too... - Printable Version

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People in small planes should get hungry and thirsty too... - SaVas - 24-08-2005

Hey Dan,

I know that people in small planes get hungry and thirsty too.

The stewardess in large planes tells people that the seatbelt light has come on, and she tells people that they are serving drinks,
sandwiches, or hot food, but in a small plane without a stewardess, the copilot says that the pax are free to take off their seatbelts, or
when its turbulent to turn them on...

How about below the norm of flight altitudes for larger planes the copilot being friendly and when you do Ctrl Shift D says Hey, I have
some drinks in the cooler behind the seat. help yourself. Or Ctrl Shift F he says something like Well I know flying works up an appetite, I
have some sandwiches in the cooler. Be my guest and eat just try not to get crumbs in the seats or on the floor *grins*

I say this because I had a small plane that the pax got hungry in and I had no food or drink to give them and since its too small for a
stewardess, the pilot/co-pilot should be friendly and offer

Post Edited ( 08-24-05 01:30 )

Re: People in small planes should get hungry and thirsty too... - SWAFO - 24-08-2005

I like this recommendation. I don't fly GA with FSP, so I don't think it's a required addition, but I can see where it would benefit the GA
flyers out there. Would be nice to have some refreshments in the cooler!

Re: People in small planes should get hungry and thirsty too... - pagir - 24-08-2005

Maybe they are bringing their own cooler lol

Seriously do you know GA compagnies giving the lunch and drinks on plane? Do they charge for it?

For now FsP will add food and drinks revenues. I'm really not sure it's realistic if the pilot ask to be paid for the lunch...



Re: People in small planes should get hungry and thirsty too... - Vokial - 24-08-2005

I like this idea, since i often fly GA aircrafts with FSP (started a company with the lower initial cash and i still have only C2 grade... )
I think that this feature should not make revenues: on a big plane your virtual passengers pay for being served by flight attendants, not only for the
meal... on a GA plane the whole "virtual service" gets more friendly and "intimate"... A sentence like "Well I know flying works up an appetite, I
have some sandwiches in the cooler. Be my guest and eat just try not to get crumbs in the seats or on the floor" like SaVas suggested is more like "be
my friend" than "i'm here to serve you", so in that situation you shouldn't ask money to your passengers... You might only get a higher compan rating...

By the way, i only travelled by plane a couple of times but i've never had priced food/drinks service... i don't know how other companies manage that
aspect but Eurofly (italian company, part of Alitalia group, the only i flew with) didn't ask us money for drinks...

Re: People in small planes should get hungry and thirsty too... - pagir - 24-08-2005

I can buy that Well


Re: People in small planes should get hungry and thirsty too... - Shane Herbel - 24-08-2005

All the GA companies in Australia I have flown on (only 3) have not had any food served on flight.
I have always been told that if the flight was over an hour to bring some food along. I don't know
about any one elses experiences... Also in the ticket information it states that relieving yourself
before the flight would be of great benefit. As most small GA have no WC's.

Re: People in small planes should get hungry and thirsty too... - jboweruk - 24-08-2005

Yeah true, but it would be nice to be able to knock out some sarnies on a long flight. I've done one or two really long hauls on GA planes
while I'm working my way up, and if you've ever sat on a coach for that long they normally have a comfort stop, so I don't think in a small
plane serving a sandwich would be out of line (especially if like me you are charging VIP prices).

Re: People in small planes should get hungry and thirsty too... - SaVas - 24-08-2005

Well GA airlines may not normally serve food and drink on a flight, but my airline is not any other. My pilot/co-pilot are trying to go above
and beyond the norm making my passengers glad they flew Keezaire (Main hub for our single engine aircraft is Key West Intl)

Re: People in small planes should get hungry and thirsty too... - IanP - 24-08-2005

I think my KingAir full of VIPs were a little upset that they weren't allowed food or drink on board last time I flew them, even after I turned the
coffee pot on (yes, there's a switch on the panel... Wink) - I found an option for "all aircraft have crew" in the menu system that may solve the food
and drink issues (it's set by default to "large aircraft have crew" or something like that) so I'll try setting that next time.

Ian P.

Re: People in small planes should get hungry and thirsty too... - SaVas - 24-08-2005

Quote:IanP wrote:
I think my KingAir full of VIPs were a little upset that they weren't allowed food or drink on board last time I flew them, even after I turned the
coffee pot on (yes, there's a switch on the panel... Wink) - I found an option for "all aircraft have crew" in the menu system that may
solve the food
and drink issues (it's set by default to "large aircraft have crew" or something like that) so I'll try setting that next time.

Ian P.

See, it works for something larger like a Kin Air, but when flying a Piper Tripacer as the first aircraft, and your pax get hungry and thirsty,
there isnt much you can do except let them get a weeee bit upset and I dont like my pax upset lol

Re: People in small planes should get hungry and thirsty too... - Jetsgo - 24-08-2005

Quote:pagir wrote:
Seriously do you know GA compagnies giving the lunch and drinks on plane? Do they charge for it?


Marquisjet serves food, although it's included in the Marquisjet card, and you don't pay for it.

Re: People in small planes should get hungry and thirsty too... - SaVas - 24-08-2005

We all need to remember that FSP is an extention for fun in the flight sim and not real life. Sure most GA airlines wont offer food or drink,
but hey we can pretend, considering we are all "pretending" to be flying in the sim

Re: People in small planes should get hungry and thirsty too... - Jetsgo - 24-08-2005

That's right. Does it honestly really bother you that they didn't serve food?

Re: People in small planes should get hungry and thirsty too... - SaVas - 25-08-2005

Quote:Jetsgo wrote:
That's right. Does it honestly really bother you that they didn't serve food?

LOL well, it does when I havent reached my destination and my pax are getting hungry and satisfaction is going down

Re: People in small planes should get hungry and thirsty too... - Jetsgo - 25-08-2005

True, well I guess you could try and find a slighly bigger jet? If not, there must be a way to edit it. Ask Dan.