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Aircraft list app: Possible problem. - Printable Version

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Aircraft list app: Possible problem. - IanP - 23-08-2005

Hi all...

I think I may have just snit a little hag with the little app we were so helpfully provided with in the last update...

Setting it to be listed by rank, I am seeing a step between C4 and C6 where no new aircraft open up to me, despite the rank information implying that
light jets (and presumably helicopters?) below 44,092lbs should become available. Either I have a serious gap in my add-on collection, or the
application is listing aircraft at C4 or C6 that should be at C5. Has anyone else come across this, or is it an oddity on my system?


Ian P.

Re: Aircraft list app: Possible problem. - SE-TMA - 23-08-2005

Here are a few planes reachable at C4 and C5, and as such you should have access to them all, do you own any of these?

Aerospatiale ATR 42
Angel 44
Beechcraft 1900-D
Beechcraft C-45G / Model 18
Beechcraft King Air 350
Cessna 208 Caravan
Cessna 441
DeHavilland Dash 8 / 8-Q300
DeHavilland DHC6 Twin Otter
Douglas DC-3
Embraer EMB 120
Ford Trimotor
Mitsubishi MU-2
Piaggio P-180 Avanti
Pilatus PC-12
Piper Cheyenne 400
Saab 340

ALL those you should be able to fly at C4 thru C5.

Re: Aircraft list app: Possible problem. - jlc - 23-08-2005

Mistake in the doc, corrected in the last update.
There are no new planes at C5 rank.
Main times discussed on the forum

Re: Aircraft list app: Possible problem. - SWAFO - 24-08-2005

The search feature would answer this question quickly!

Re: Aircraft list app: Possible problem. - IanP - 24-08-2005

Quote:jlc wrote:
Mistake in the doc, corrected in the last update.
There are no new planes at C5 rank.
Main times discussed on the forum

I'm running the latest publicly released version so there's still a problem in that old documentation and lists (both the pdf file and the list
accessible via the menu) are wrong. Either the old files weren't overwritten by the update installation or the errors have been carried
through into the updated files.

Ian P.

Re: Aircraft list app: Possible problem. - Ryanamur - 24-08-2005

Yes, Dan only modified the code. He hasn't modified the doc or the menu items. That will probably come in a future release once all the
big bugs are solved.
