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Strange times in Flight Log... - Printable Version

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Strange times in Flight Log... - Oblivion - 22-08-2005

Extract from my last flight log :

Departure: 10h53 (20h53 GMT)
Arrival: 12h41 (21h41 GMT)

I was flying in French Polynesia, so to get the local time, you have to take back 10 hours from the GMT time, for example : 20h00 GMT is 10h00 in
The departure time is correct, 20h53 GMT is 10h53 in Polynesia, but what about the Arrival time ? It should be 11h41, not 12h41.

Actually I get this error in EACH flight log, so I guess there is an error in the script, and surely a small and easy-to-correct error...

Do you have the same bug in times ?

If so, Dan, can you try to correct this in the upcoming update ? It's not a big deal :3 (well, I think it's not...maybe the script is located deply in
the core files ^^)

Re: Strange times in Flight Log... - Ryanamur - 23-08-2005

I have a feeling that the error is Fs2004 related but Dan can look at it and provide you with an actual factual answer.


Re: Strange times in Flight Log... - SWAFO - 23-08-2005

I believe FSP reads the times straight from FS9... it could be a FS9 time error as Phil mentioned. Dan will have to shed some light on
this topic though.

Re: Strange times in Flight Log... - Oblivion - 23-08-2005

If Fs2004 provides the GMT time, so it's not a Fs2004 related bug, because these times are correct (the whole flight between NTAA and NTTB take
~45mn). The bug appears when the game (FS or PsP, don't know) calculates the arrival time by withdrawing 10 hours to the (correct) GMT time.

It seems that the calcul of the arrival considers the GMT time as GMT+1 time...

Re: Strange times in Flight Log... - SWAFO - 23-08-2005

I'm not sure about this one. Dan will have to stop by.

Re: Strange times in Flight Log... - Oblivion - 23-08-2005

New things :

By looking at my reports, I discovered that the error is not always the same, for example, my last report shows :

Departure: 15h27 (00h28 GMT)
Arrival: 15h00 (01h01 GMT)

Here the game withdrew 11 hours instead of 9 (on the previous example)........

Something's wrong in this game ^^

EDIT : precision : I was using the "use Fs date for flight log date" instead of the "use real world date for flight log date"......I switched these options and will see the result now.

Post Edited ( 08-23-05 03:01 )

Re: Strange times in Flight Log... - DanSteph - 23-08-2005

GMT and Time is taken straight from Fs9 value, FsP doesn't calculate them
or mess with them.

Flgith time howewer should be right as FsP count each second... ?

let me know , any info on this one may help me even I don't seem to
have much control on this. (if Fs9 answer wrong value ..??)


Re: Strange times in Flight Log... - pegase - 23-08-2005

It seems qiuite the same than what I have for each flight covering some est west distance.. (about a hour per 1000 nm)

From Est to West FS2004 adds hours to GMT time and dubstract when going West to east.

I have also plenties flight logs which show differences of 1 or 2 hours depending on the distance. annoying as it gives false penalities.

To avoid this, now, befaure starting FsP, I go to the destination airport, see the GMT time, back to the departure, if GMT is different, I count the
time shift in my prevision.

Re: Strange times in Flight Log... - SWAFO - 23-08-2005

So FS9 screws up the GMT time when flying long distances? I've never seen this happen. I've had quite a few flights over 1000NM in
FS9 (although not with FSP yet), and I haven't noticed any time changes. Everything seems to work fine.

Re: Strange times in Flight Log... - Oblivion - 23-08-2005

But it works, like you can see on my reports, the GMT times are correct, and the total flight time is also correct, that's just the convertion
GMT->local which is messed up in the arrival time...

Re: Strange times in Flight Log... - olseric - 23-08-2005

Okay, here's the answer for you.

FS has problems when it comes to time zones. This error is actually in the SCENERY library and not the programming of the software

There are several fixes available, however, off the top of my head, I'm only aware of FS Real Time which I purchased to keep the clock in
sync. It includes the time zone patches for the world scenery that are skewed including those "odd" places with 1/2 hour increments.

Re: Strange times in Flight Log... - SWAFO - 23-08-2005

Ok, thanks for clearing that up. I've never encountered any of these problems, and hopefully won't.

Re: Strange times in Flight Log... - Oblivion - 23-08-2005

Thanks Olseric, the problem disappeared Smile