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Negative Cargo Weight on flight report - Printable Version

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Negative Cargo Weight on flight report - Yellow_Wing - 22-08-2005

Dear People

I searched all the FsPassengers forum for a hint, without success.
I placed this questions before but had no hints for that issus.

Help and hints to my question will be very appreciated:
I've used for two flights the 'Project Opensky Boeing 747-200F Cargolux' aircraft.

In both flights I had allmost a full cargo airplane. After the flight the icomes showed me as this:
Ticket Income: +Sfr 0 (2,320 Nm)
Cargo Income: +Sfr 949'168 (-18670 kg)

Cargo Income money is calculated on the right way. But not the weight its NEGATIVE!
I've compared the Stations-definition in the CFG-Aircraft file to the payload-file and the values are the same.

Some suggestions?
