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Payload editor and Stations - Printable Version

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Payload editor and Stations - Nordic - 22-08-2005

Hi, I hope this hasn't already been answered. I did a cursory search and didn't seem to come up with an answer. Anyhow, the question
is this. How do I know what to enter in the station data in the payload editor? I understand to look in the aircraft.cfg for weights and such,
but how do I know what the z and y positions are? Do the z and y variebles corrospond to the first two number immediated following the
weights in the .cfg file? to make things concrete, here is an example from the Feelthere erj145

the .cfg files:

reference_datum_position=0.000, 0.000, 0.000
empty_weight_CG_position=0.000, 0.000, 0.000

station_load.0 = "190.0, 42.0, -1.5, 0.0, Pilot"
station_load.1 = "190.0, 42.0, 1.5, 0.0, First Officer"
station_load.2 = "140.0, 35.0, -1.0, 0.0, stewardess"
station_load.3 = "140.0, -40.0, 0.0, 0.0, rear stewardess"
station_load.4 = "3800.0, 30.0, 0.0, 0.0, 20 Pax front"
station_load.5 = "5700.0,-20.0, 0.0, 0.0, 30 Pax rear"
station_load.6 = "1500.0, 00.0, 0.0, 0.0, Cargo"

So in the payload file I have this setup (the payload file is name erj145lr I think, i renamed to it loads with the airplane):

station 1 and station 2 not used
station 3 Max seat 20 Pos Z 30.0 Pos Y 0.0
station 4 Max seat 30 Pos Z -20.0 Pos Y 0.0
Front cargo (station 5) is not used
Rear cargo (station 6) Max weight 2645, pos z 0.0 pos y 0.0

Am I doing this correctly??

Re: Payload editor and Stations - pagir - 22-08-2005

The Z is the distance (in feet) between the CG (center of gravity) and the center of the station. The y is the "vertical" variation (in feet)
between the CG and the center of the station.

In you examples:

station 1 and station 2 not used
station 3 Max seat 20 Pos Z 30.0 Pos Y 0.0 : 20 pax are in the front of the plane, and center of this station is 30 feet in front of CG
station 4 Max seat 30 Pos Z -20.0 Pos Y 0.0 : 30 pax are in the back of the plane, and center of this station is 20 feet back of CG
Front cargo (station 5) is not used
Rear cargo (station 6) Max weight 2645, pos z 0.0 pos y 0.0 : The cargo hold is right in the middle of the plane!!! lol

Ok: if I read this payload, the plane is at least 50 feet (30 feet front, 20 back= 50 feet) between those two stations. But the cargo hold is in
the center of the plane?!?

To get good infos and specs for making payload models, go to: http://www.airliners.net/

You'll see your plane is 96 feet long, seats 50 and have a rear cargo hold.

Good luck!

Hope it helps!


Re: Payload editor and Stations - Nordic - 22-08-2005

yeah i figured it was something like that.. I put the cargo station in the center because that is where feelthere put it in the aircraft.cfg file.
thanks for the info.