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Problems with New Update - Printable Version

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Problems with New Update - James - 21-08-2005

I downloaded the latest version of FsP yesterday and as instructed I didn't uninstall the version I already had and paid for. I'm just taking my first
flight with it since then and its now telling me that I'm using the demo version and I need to purchase it. Is this normal? Do I just re-enter all of
the registration details in order to use the newest version? Any help is appreciated

Post Edited ( 08-21-05 15:57 )

Re: Problems with New Update - Emmett - 21-08-2005

Yes. Just re-enter your name and the code you were sent and you'll be good to go!!

Happy (and prosperous) flying!

Re: Problems with New Update - James - 21-08-2005

Cheers for the info Emmett!