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Fuel - Printable Version

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Fuel - ste9889 - 21-08-2005

Hey all,
I am having problems with
a)the payload model for the 744, the COG, is way near the back and i cant move it if i want pax in economy
b) i run out of fuel to quickly on my aircraft, e.g I did an Air Seychelles Flight from the Seychelles to Heathrow, with 100% and 150 pax and
within 10 mins of flight i pressed Ctrl+Shift+I and i said i had 4 hours fuel left on a 9 hour flight!
pppplllleeeeaaaassseeee can someone help me? anyone?

Re: Fuel - Holzmann - 21-08-2005

The report partial display the situation of moment, if it is going up the consumption is larger and he shows this situation of moment, the
measure that the flight has continuation the qtde final estimad. I have been flying with Antonov 124 and in long distances this always
happens. Top

Cmte Holzmann callsign ETS152(IVAO)
Eccentric Travels an Very good Brasilian virtual airline

Re: Fuel - SWAFO - 21-08-2005

Did you ensure that you didn't have a fuel leak? The center of gravity issue has been discussed in previous posts (although I'm not sure
if it has for the 747) perhaps a forum search will turn up some results.

Re: Fuel - ste9889 - 21-08-2005

Thanks for the help, much apperciated
The support here really is second to none, thanks Smile

Re: Fuel - SWAFO - 21-08-2005

Glad we could help!

Re: Fuel - Sovek - 21-08-2005

Dan needs to add another one for the current fuel being used, not pulling numbers off the average.

Re: Fuel - SWAFO - 22-08-2005

What? I don't think Dan needs to add anything! It works fine!

Re: Fuel - lightrail - 22-08-2005

Don't worry too much about the fuel report after only flying for an hour or so - you are most likely climbing and burning four or five times the fuel
in cruise. I flew a 777 from CYEG to EGLL and after the climb to FL260 it said I only had 3 hours fuel and I had about 6.5 hours left in the flight.
The fuel consumption drops dramatically once at cruise altitude.

But, make sure you use the flight planners to plan your fuel load for the flight Smile