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Speed restriction - Printable Version

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Speed restriction - OHN767 - 21-08-2005

I just finished a flight where on approach at FL180 asked for permission to go under FL100 with more than250knots, it was granted, but i
was fined for doing it anyway and lost over 450 points for my flight. Is this a bug or what did i do wrong here.


Re: Speed restriction - OHN767 - 21-08-2005

What is that stupid a question that nobody can be bothered to answer it Smile


Re: Speed restriction - pagir - 21-08-2005

Try to ask for this permission between 12000 and 10000, on descent. Not sure, but I think 18 000 is too high. Maybe the controller forgot
his own permission Wink


Re: Speed restriction - SWAFO - 21-08-2005

Technically, the permission can be requested anytime under FL100 in the climb, and anytime over FL100 in the descent. You shouldn't
have been docked some points though. Perhaps Dan can elaborate on the issue.