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Is there a way to find out how much a plane will cost before getting it? - Printable Version

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Is there a way to find out how much a plane will cost before getting it? - jscharpf - 20-08-2005

This may sound like a silly question, but I am flying for a VA that has many aircraft. I am started with my first prop plane.
I don't know how to determine which planes I will be able to purchase as I don't know what they will cost unless I actually download the
plane, run FS9, and attempt to buy it.
I am only re-starting a career now (in difficult mode) so I wish I had an idea of how much cash I needed to get either a larger turboprop or
a small jet.


Re: Is there a way to find out how much a plane will cost before getting it? - Sovek - 20-08-2005

depends on the size of the plane, how many engines and what type of engines. its gonna cost you though, a small turbo such as a dash 6 will cost
anywhere from 3-5 million, while a small jet will at least double in cost.

Re: Is there a way to find out how much a plane will cost before getting it? - DanSteph - 20-08-2005

look at the aircraft browser tool click : windows Start button->FsPassengers->Tool->Aircraft Price and rank browser


Re: Is there a way to find out how much a plane will cost before getting it? - jscharpf - 20-08-2005

aahhh I see.

That aircraft browser is a great tool!!!

Now I can see I'm a long way from the jets lol..

I was able to buy a DHC2 for $75K though, much less than the $400,000 listed.. I guess I got a bargain.

This game just gets funner by the day Smile


Re: Is there a way to find out how much a plane will cost before getting it? - Captain Binkles - 21-08-2005

You can also see what others have paid approximately at http://www.merraine.info/planeshow.php