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PMDG 737-800 "Center of Gravity CG" problem - Printable Version

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PMDG 737-800 "Center of Gravity CG" problem - Stragu - 19-08-2005

Hi folks,

I hope someone can help me on following. I am flying the PMDG 737-800 and of course I use the FsP Payload model for this aircraft, but
by using this model and loading the airplane with 90+% payload I always get an error message from PMDG "like CG out of range!! Aircraft
not flyable!! (or something like this)". Has someone of you has also discovered something like this.

Any help is highly appreciated....

Thanks !

Re: PMDG 737-800 - Er!k - 19-08-2005

I remember that there is a download at this site which deals with this issue. Have you tried that one???

Post Edited ( 08-19-05 14:26 )

Re: PMDG 737-800 "Center of Gravity CG" problem - SWAFO - 19-08-2005

I released a correct PMDG 737-700 (not the -800) payload model (should fix the CG problems... did for me). It's available on the main
download page under "MUST HAVE DOWNLOADS". You can use it for the -800 if you like (just be sure to rename it).

Re: PMDG 737-800 "Center of Gravity CG" problem - airliner pilot 2005 - 20-08-2005

Same problem for me.I am flying PMDG 737-700 with FS passengers payload and Boeing fuel planner of Milan Puta from avsim and in
every flight i have the message,during takeoff:PMDG notification:CG not within tolerance,aircraft is uflyable!I have recently updated FS P
assengers to the last version.I have opened also the paymodel folder, in FS Passengers folder,and i saw that i have two configurations
settings modules for 737-700 and two for 737-cargo dated 8/12/2005.Brad your paymodel fix this probem?(because is older
file ).Regards.Thank you.Bill.

Re: PMDG 737-800 "Center of Gravity CG" problem - wega - 22-08-2005

Servus Beer

same problem for me too. I updatet Brad´s PMDG 737-700 payload file, but still get this message "CG not within tolerance,aircraft is
What did i do wrong ??

Re: PMDG 737-800 "Center of Gravity CG" problem - SWAFO - 22-08-2005

For most people, my file should work. It worked for me! Make sure that you keep a balanced aircraft load (there's a CG marker in the
middle of the loading screen, try to keep it near the center). Don't load lots of PAX up front or in the back, and the same goes for cargo...
try and balance it all out. You shouldn't have any problems (I haven't since I started using my payload model).

Also, you'll notice that the PMDG message doesn't really do anything. It's just annoying. I've found that I can still fly, and lift off at normal
speeds with it. It usually goes away right after takeoff too.

Re: PMDG 737-800 "Center of Gravity CG" problem - wega - 23-08-2005

Thats true, it goes away right after takeoff. But you know: "As real as it gets" Wink

Tonight i will have a special look at the CG Marker. Maybe thats the way it works Smile
I will tell you later this day - CU and Many Thanks for your work !!

Re: PMDG 737-800 "Center of Gravity CG" problem - SWAFO - 23-08-2005

If it was truly "As real as it gets", this message would NEVER appear, since we don't have little annoying messages floating around the
cockpit all the time. I think this message's trigger may be a bit buggy, and perhaps something PMDG needs to look at.

Re: PMDG 737-800 "Center of Gravity CG" problem - wega - 24-08-2005

Hi Brad, everything works now fine for me. I think it was my misstake not to check the CG Sign on the loading screen.
B.T.W. Is there a way to tell the FA not to open /close the main door ??
Thanks for your help !! Up

Re: PMDG 737-800 "Center of Gravity CG" problem - SWAFO - 24-08-2005

You can set the option of the FA automatically closing the door in the default loading screen (note that you must use "real time" loading).
Glad you got everything working!

Re: PMDG 737-800 "Center of Gravity CG" problem - wega - 24-08-2005

Great thank you :-) :-) :-)