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buying the same plane? - Printable Version

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buying the same plane? - Overlag - 18-08-2005

Hiya, I started my own "airline" ingame, and i want to try and make a buget airline, however ive already hit a snag.

I was going to by 2-4 cheap/old 737-400s, however it turns out you cannot buy 2 of the same paint scheme plane. Is that ment to be? In
real life airlines have many planes of the same paint scheme!

also, im currently using paint.2 i think of the default 737-400, which is the pacifica paint. However if, at some point i work out how to make
my own colours, etc, and call it paint.10 lets say, is there a way i could change this in FSP, or would i have to start buying paint.10 planes?

Sorry if any of these questions had already been asked/answered here!

thanks in advance Smile

Re: buying the same plane? - SaVas - 18-08-2005

OK this is a rough scenario, but if you know anything about editing the aircraft.cfg and adding textures, anywhere it says something like
Learjet being in the name (using Learjet hypothetically) copy that part of the cfg (I downloaded some random texture to paste the cfg
portion on this thread.

Lets say this is the original (just a random repaint I just downloaded to use as an example):

title=Learjet 35 N597VR
ui_type=Learjet 35
description=The first all-new Learjet since Bill Lear rolled the model 23 off the line in the 1960s, this computer-designed airplane is a
fast, high altitude flyer. Certified up to 51,000 ft (15,545 m), the Learjet 45 often cruises above standard airliner altitudes.

Copy it

[fltsim.01] <----change this to the next number in line
title=Learjet 35 N597VR2 (I added a number 2 at the end)
texture=N597VR2 (added a number 2 at the end of this)
atc_id=N597VR2 (added a number 2 at the end of this)
ui_type=Learjet 35
ui_variation=N597VR2 (added a number 2 at the end of this)
description=The first all-new Learjet since Bill Lear rolled the model 23 off the line in the 1960s, this computer-designed airplane is a
fast, high altitude flyer. Certified up to 51,000 ft (15,545 m), the Learjet 45 often cruises above standard airliner altitudes.

Now take the original texture, notice in this case the line says texture=N597VR. Find that texture folder in the Learjet folder. It should
say texture.N597VR Copy it. Paste it to your desk top. Right click the copy and rename it to texture.N597VR2 to match the cfg
edit that says texture=N597VR2 Not cut it from the desktop and place it in the Learjet folder with the original texture. you should have


You should now have two
Save the .cfg file and close the flight sim folders

You should now have two of the exact same planes in the sim.

If you have PSP and you arent going to upload the texture that someone else created, you can open the texture (sometimes it takes the
DXT converter) and clone over the call sign and make it N235RV or something like that and save, reconvert it back to DXT3 and then
where it says N597VR2 just replace it with whatever call sign you repainted. But dont forget to rename a copy of the texture folder to

Hope that helped instead of confused

Post Edited ( 08-19-05 00:46 )

Re: buying the same plane? - Overlag - 18-08-2005

thanks, i thought thats how you'd do that, but i did need a full example how to. However the problem is FSP. I brought a paint2 plane, and
if i create a paint.6 plane for example, is there a way i can "repaint" my planes to that colour?

if not, what about a option added that you have to pay for it to be painted in different colours?

Re: buying the same plane? - SaVas - 18-08-2005

FSP has nothing to do with the actual aircraft textures.

Basically you have to do it with a little elbow grease and creating your own repaints using something like Photoshop or one of the latter
Paint Shop Pro (PSP) graphics tools

Re: buying the same plane? - Overlag - 19-08-2005

it does though!! Ive "brought" a 737-400 paint.2 plane

however i want to change my paint.2 plane to a paint.7 plane when i get around to making a paint.7 plane. but i will probably end up
having to buy a new 737-400 instead.

you get me now? Hunappy

and as i also said, i cant buy two 737-400 paint2's either, i have to buy a 737-400 paint1, paint2, paint3 etc which means my "fleet" never
has the same skin!

Re: buying the same plane? - DanSteph - 19-08-2005

it's all about the "title=" of aircraft.cfg

FsP recognise this only. Also FsP consider that two different painted aircraft ARE different plane
this is logical as company doesn't repaint their aircraft beetween each flight.... at least NOT
for free as you would be allowed if FsP did not make the difference....

Anyway there is several workaround to "cheat" FsP and do whatewer you want.

Case 1: a fleet of 737-400 with the same livery (for example)

Edit the aircraft.cfg you want to buy multiple time Savas was not far from the solution but really too complicated.

simply copy the whole "fltsim.xx" section and add it with only a title modification:

title=Learjet 35 BLUE LIVERY
ui_type=Learjet 35

[fltsim.01] <--- edit this number
title=Learjet Number two BLUE LIVERY <---- edit simply this name
ui_type=Learjet 35

Save and voila you have two different aircraft with the same livery.
You will be allowed to buy a "Learjet Number two BLUE LIVERY" and a "Learjet 35 BLUE LIVERY"
wich will be exactly the same aircraft type and livery but listed as different aircraft in FsP.

Case 2: Flying all Livery of one aircraft for the price of one only

First FsP have a character limit of 45 characters, simply show variation in the name after the 45 nd character
and FsP will think it's the same aircraft....


title=Whow this gonna be a very long name of aicraft of 45 character so I can fly them all NUMBER 1

title=Whow this gonna be a very long name of aicraft of 45 character so I can fly them all NUMBER 2

In FsP you will buy one "Whow this gonna be a very long name of aicraft of 45 character so I can fly"
and you will be allowed to fly all the variations....

Hope it help ?


Post Edited ( 08-19-05 02:57 )

Re: buying the same plane? - Overlag - 19-08-2005

Quote:Case 1: a fleet of 737-400 with the same livery (for example)

Edit the aircraft.cfg you want to buy multiple time Savas was not far from the solution but really too complicated.

simply copy the whole "fltsim.xx" section and add it with only a title modification:

title=Learjet 35 BLUE LIVERY
ui_type=Learjet 35

[fltsim.01] <--- edit this number
title=Learjet Number two BLUE LIVERY <---- edit simply this name
ui_type=Learjet 35

so i got to make many different "planes" even if they are the same, in the config file? hmm ok i guess it will work out ok for now but any
chance of changing that?

also, do other planes in your fleet, that you are not flying increase mileage? ie run in the backround like an airliner would? or do they just
generate money but not take any damage/repairs etc? or is this not really the point of FSP?

I brought a 737-400 that i fly, as well as the lear jet, and that increased my companies income but im not sure exactly how

Re: buying the same plane? - SaVas - 19-08-2005

Oops, Yeah I forgot about the title lol

Re: buying the same plane? - Overlag - 19-08-2005

it works, however its a work around i was hoping wouldnt be needed.... Smile

maybe it can be added later to allow multiple buys of the same plane, then something in the manager to switch planes?

Re: buying the same plane? - DanSteph - 19-08-2005

Quote:Overlag wrote:
so i got to make many different &quot;planes&quot; even if they are the same, in the config file? hmm ok i guess it will work out ok for now
but any chance of changing that?

As FsP refer aircraft by name no sorry no chance to change that... but a litle edit
with notepad should bring to you what you want. (it's uncomon that people want to pay exactly the same aircraft
two time but I understand your willing)

Quote:Overlag wrote:
also, do other planes in your fleet, that you are not flying increase mileage? ie run in the backround like an airliner would? or do they just
generate money but not take any damage/repairs etc? or is this not really the point of FSP?

Generate only fleet income GIVEN that they are in good state and that your flight went well, it's for game purpose
only as it would have been unfair that people bought several plane with their work and didn't get
any income from them because they can flight them all... also this point was sidcussed seveeeeeeeral
time in the forum already...

Making them flying for real with hours, pilot etc etc would make FSP a airline tycoon wich is NOT...

Hope it explain ?


Post Edited ( 08-19-05 03:22 )